Chapter 3: My Mom Told Me Not To Talk To Strangers

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Those next few days could not have gone slower. I was held in a safe spot and I still can not say where I was staying. All I could think of was my family and how I wanted to be with them.
        For weeks upon weeks I felt no emotion, not even medicine would help. It felt like I was falling into a black hole that I would never be able to get out. Two weeks after my mothers funeral I was told I was now in my aunt and uncles custody. I have met them a couple of times at family events, but I don't really know them that well, but I'm gonna guess that is about to change. Until the on going investigation to figure out what happened to my family the police said this is the best way to keep me safe.Going from my small town in Rhode Island to Manhattan, New York City was going to be impossible. The trip there seemed like it was just dream. My Aunt Jamie and Uncle Tom actually turned out to be really cool under the circumstances. They will not have to worry about me much, I am old enough to pretty much take care of myself. I'm relieved I do not have to ask them for rides, everywhere I am interested in doing is in walking distance .
        Everyone is saying I am doing really good with everything I am going through but that is because they see me in the day, it's the nights that take pieces of me. This is because I always think at night, my aunt and uncle try to keep me busy to try to distract me from it all.
I took about a month off school before they pushed me to go back. A new life and a new school.. how much better can it get!!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
Every morning school or no school there would be an amazing breakfast prepared for me. The morning I am going to tell you about is one that I have always remembered and I could not figure out until now and by the end of this you will too.
        I came down the steps and sat down at the the table. Do not get me wrong I know they give me a lot of food but the amount today was unnecessary, but I figured it out once I saw three plates. They never eat breakfast with me because they work and I am perfectly fine with that but I knew something was up and I instantly got nervous, no I skipped nervous and went right to terrified.
        As they both walked through the door I broke out into a sweat. They were nervous I could tell. They are usually like this because before they start talking they want to see what kind of mood I am in. The reason for that was because I have been so up and down lately, either I am as happy as can be or sadder that you have ever seen. Today I was hungry and happy and they could tell.
        As I finished eating having a normal conversation with them I got up to go to my room when my aunt grabbed my hand and asked me to sit down, I knew something was up. I knew what she was going to say before she even looked at me. While twiddling her thumbs nervously she looked at my uncle then blurted out "We think it is time for you to go back to school". She kept going on about how if I do not go soon I will be too behind to catch up and I will be held back.
        I was shocked. I guess she was right, I can not keep putting it off. If I don't go out and start making friends soon I never will. It was time for me to start my new life and I knew she was right about it.
        It was not the fact of me being upset to go, it was explaining why I was knew and starting school late this year. Once people hear my name they are going to know who I am and what my situation is, they are going to treat me so different. Every time I go outside at least a few people recognize me, my face has been everywhere.
        My aunt made the arrangement and I would be starting school that next day. All the teachers know my situation and are there if I need to talk she said, but that was not that I was worried about. I just want to make friends who wont pity me and will like me for who I am and will not let what happened to me get in the way.
        As I thought my first day would be rough it made me think of what people have told me in the past. I am not the one to ask questions or try to be noticed, I like to blend in. The only problem with that is that I have dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. It is strange because my eyes are more of a dark blue really, somehow it runs in the family. My mom, her sister, and my grandma all have eyes like mine.
        That afternoon I was sitting in the living room watching tv. I was not really feeling it that day and my aunt noticed. She quickly threw down the book she was reading, jumped up, and ran out of the room getting my attention. She came rushing in with her purse trying to grab something out of it. As she pulled out her credit card she gave me this evil grin and said "Well with school tomorrow it would be a good time to go on a shopping spree right?" in a sarcastic way. I smiled and my uncle rolled his eyes in a funny way and laughed. I quickly went upstairs, and made myself look presentable.
        After about half an hour I walked downstairs and there she was waiting for me with a huge smile on her face that made me giggle a little. We entered the elevator and I was so excited. Even though she isn't my mom and never will be at least I have someone like her who cares. Walking out the elevator and into the busy lobby I bumped into a boy, I was about to say something rude but then he turned around. He had sandy blonde hair and light blue eyes. When we made eye contact it did not break until I was out the door. I just forgot about him because I realized I would probably never see him again.
        Shopping with my aunt Jamie was so much fun, it really took my mind off things. As soon as I got back to the apartment I went strait upstairs and cut all the tags off my new clothes trying to decide what to wear on my first day of school. I was ready or at least I thought I was.
        Dinner that night was so good. We had steak and mashed potatoes which were my favorite. My steak was cooked just right and the mashed potatoes were covered in butter, they were so good. Two steaks later I went upstairs showered and went to bed. Every night is different for me. Some nights were okay and I went strait to sleep like I use to do and other nights I don't sleep at all. I think about my family and how I miss them so much it actually hurts me.
         It was one of those nights, I was up till at least four o'clock in the morning. They took me off my sleeping medication three days ago, not that it helped much but sometimes it did. They told me I was getting better but it does not feel that way, I feel like they just told me that so I would not give up on myself. Eventually I fell asleep, but two hours of sleep is not enough for my first day of school.
        Waking up at six o'clock in the morning for the first time in a while was hard. I was really impressed with how I put myself together, my makeup looked nice and my hair was perfectly strait and laid the way I was hoping it would. I was wearing a floral long sleeved blue shirt and a pair of leggings. I could actually say I was ready for school.

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