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We hugged until the up arrow glowed and he offered to take me to my place. Of coarse I said yes, I didn't wanna leave him because I know it would all be different the next day and I wasn't ready for that.
Once we got on the elevator his smiled disappeared and he started to talk.  He started saying now that I know I am sick and I needed to see a doctor that I should focus on that and it wasn't a good idea to be together anymore. He told me he was sorry for it but he was just trying to help me and that he loved me but not like I loved him.
I snapped, letting all my anger out was my only option and thats exactly what I did. I let him go and this time I wanted him to talk. I... well I shouldn't say that. I am going to refer to him as number one.  Number one lost it, he started talking really fast saying how he warned me and how Steven was a liar.  He kept saying Steven is a liar over and over again and this time it was coming out of my mouth. Steven tried to get a few words in but number one wouldn't let him.  Insults, one after another came out of my mouth and I wasn't stoping it. When the elevator was in between the twenty seventh and twenty eight floor I felt my hand hit the emergency stop button.  I knew what number one was going to do and I changed my mind but I couldn't stop him he took over and all I could do was watch.
He hit the open door button and Steven backed into the corner terrified. When number one looked over the edge  it seemed like an endless black hole was underneath them.  He started pushing Steven all over the elevator throwing him into walls. All this strength came out of no where it was like I was as strong as a grown man.  Bouncing all over the elevator Steven was bound to get seriously hurt.
Once number one had enough of the fun and games he simply pushed him off the elevator and let him fall twenty seven and  a half floors. I was screaming and no one could hear me. Number one took over from that day on. The next day they found him and eventually figured out it was me and I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. They blamed me for the rest of the murders and sent me to Saint Lin's asylum to try and help me

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