Chapter 3

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"Why did you do it?," the principal asked.

I look at mom and dad then sigh.

"Because, she threw a basketball at my face," I say. "She calls me names and trips me in the hallways."

"What she told me is that you went after her for no reason," he says.

"That's not true!," I yell. "I have a witness!"

"Look Amelia-."

"Listen Kevin," mom says. "I know my daughter, and she wouldn't attack someone for no reason."


"But nothing," dad says. "I taught my daughter to defend herself. We should be suing you and her parents for this bullshit."

Mom grabs dad's hand and looks at him.

"Kevin," mom says. "You have never had problems with Amelia before. I understand fighting is prohibited at school, but bullying is too. I understand and after-school detention for something but being expelled or suspended seems a little too much for defending yourself."

My principal sighs. "How about this, a week of after-school detention and one Tuesday school starting tomorrow?"

Mom and dad look at each other then me.

"No Tuesday school," they say.


Principal Jefferson stands up and smiled. My parents do the same and so do I. They shake hands and we leave the office.

"Rebecca, get Ms. Michael a pass to class," Mr. Jefferson says.

"Thanks mom, thanks dad," I say.

"For what honey?," mom asks.

"Believing me."

Dad hugs me and kisses my forehead. "We always will baby girl."

They hug and kiss me goodbye. While I wait for Rebecca to get my pass, I watch them leave.

"Here you are," she says.

"Thanks Becca," I say smiling.

"No problem sweetheart."

I take the note and leave the office. I stopped at the locker room to get my stuff but find a note instead. ~I have your stuff in my locker.- Madd's~

I sigh. "Great, now I gotta wear this."

Leaving the locker room, I make my way to my fourth class which is my last class of the day. I walk into photography and take my pass to the teacher Ms. Casey. As I do so, I get multiple whistles and stairs. Rolling my eyes, I grab my camera bag and sit at my assigned seat. Photography is another class I have with Aiden.

"Okay well, your guy's assignment is to take 10 pictures of things you think are either beautiful or full of love," Ms. Casey said.

I nod my head and begin writing down places to go.

"What's up cry baby," Aiden says as he walks over to me.

I bite my tongue.

"Really?," he says. "After all, I thought you'd build up some courage to say something. Never knew you were a baby until now."

I stand up and look at him."First of all, I'm not the cry baby. That slutty fuck buddy of yours is the cry baby. She's the one that was crying about how her fourth nose was broken," I say to him. "Second of all, how am I the cry baby when I wasnt the one getting my ass kicked?"

The room was quiet. All eyes were on us. I sighed and left the room, leaving my camera bag on the table. Calling my mom, I open my locker and grab my charger.

"Hey honey what's up?," mom asks.

"I'm coming home," I say.

"Why," mom asks.

"Today just isn't my day," I sigh loudly.

"Okay honey, dad and I won't be home until later though."

"Alright that's fine," I say. "Love you mom bye."

"Love you too honey, bye."

I hung up the phone and slammed my locker shut. Walking down the hall, I walk right out the school and into my Jeep. I quickly text Maddie and leave. I try to get home quickly so I could change; however, instead of going home, I drove to the mall. It took forever to get there. Living in Austin, Texas means that people can't drive to save their lives. Turning on my radio, I drove down the road with the music playing through out the car.

*Hope you enjoy! Love you guys! Bye bye! And sorry it took so long for me to update. I just had my birthday party. Well bye!💖*

 Well bye!💖*

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