Chapter 15

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I pack up my stuff and leave third-period to quickly get to lunch. I walk into the lunch room and sit down at the football table next to Johnny and Madd's. Yeah, Madd's and I don't belong here but we sit here cause the team loves us being around I guess. Aiden always sat on the other end of the table but he's moved across from me. I feel Maddie hit my arm.

"Yea?," I say to her.

"I'm moving down by Jason," she says.

"What why?," I ask her.

"Cause someone wants to sit next to you."

With that, she grabs her tray and moves over next to Jason. Suddenly, Jake plops down next to me and smiles.

"Hey," he says.

"Hi?," I say in more of a question than statement. "Why'd you move over here?"

"I wanna talk to you about what happened between us the night of the party," he whispers.

"Here?," I whisper as I look around.

Jake looks around and then grabs my hand.

"Come with me," he says pulling me up out my chair.

I followed him out the cafeteria and into the empty hallway. We go down the hall and stand next to some lockers. It takes me a minute to realize he was still holding my hand.

"Oh, uh sorry," he says pulling his soft hand away from mine.

"Oh um its fine," I say shyly. "So, what do you wanna say?"

"First off, do you remember anything?," he asks me.

"Still hazy," I say. "All I remember is bumping into you and then going to find Johnny."

"Mmm, alright," he says.

"What about you?," I ask.

"Well uh, I only get small pieces at a time of that night," he says. "Last part I remember is well uh us dancing together."

"We danced together?," I ask with amusement.

"I guess so," he laughs a little.

I smile at him and take a moment to admire his figure. His tan caramel skin looked so creamy smooth. And he had the same body shape as Aiden. His hair was a dark brown and was so curly it made me want to touch it. He had his right ear pierced and have amazing green eyes that I somehow mistaken for black. And I can't help but glanced at his thick juicy li-.

Corey Campbell playing as Jake Williams

Corey Campbell playing as Jake Williams

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I snap out of my daze and look at Jake.

"Yes?," I say.

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