Chapter 18

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*I hope you are enjoying my story! I am really trying to update more. But please request my book to your friends. Thank you! Enjoy!💖*

So, first period was just miserable. I mean, I understand what's happening, but I was just bored sitting there listening. Once the bell rang I was out of there. I met up with everyone at my locker then left for gym class. Which is where I'm at now.

"Okay, start your 5 minute jog!," Mr. Raymond says.

I jog slowly and tell Maddie catches up with me. She turns to me.

"Have you seen Aiden?," she asks.

I shake my head. "Not since this morning," I say. "Probably around with some girl."

*Whistle blow*

We stop running and gather around our teacher.

"Today will just be a chill day," Mr. Raymond says. "You guys can walk, shoot some hoops, play soccer, sit, whatever."

Everyone cheers and walks off to do their own thing.

"Come on," Madd's says pulling me over to some bleachers.

She climbs up and I follow behind her.

"Why are we up here?," I ask her.

"To talk," she says. "Are you okay?"

I look down at my hands. ~No I'm not. My heart feels broken to bits and I'm losing my cotton-picking mind...~

"Yeah, I'm fine," I lie.

"Melia, I know you like the back of my hand," she says giving me a look. "Stop lying to me and tell me what's wrong with you."

"I dont know whats wrong with me," I say. "I just feel so sick and just weird."

"Like vomit sick?," she asks.

"No, just sick like heavy heart sick."

She grins a little and sighs.

"What's up with the heavy heart?," she asks.

"No idea."

We sit and talk for the rest of the class period. Once we released to go change, I try to quickly do it since the bathroom stalls were taken. When I was finished, I waited with Maddie for the bell to ring. As soon as it did, we were out of there and headed to my locker.

"Hey babe," Jake says.

"Hey," I slightly smile.

Jake smiles and kisses my cheek whereas Johnny gives me that I saying, "we'll talk about this later."

"How was classes?," Jake asks.

"They were okay," I say.

"Alright, well I gotta go to class early to finish some homework," he says. "Bye babe."

He kisses my lips. "Bye."

Once he leaves, both Johnny and Maddie pulled me out the school.

"Where are we going?," I ask confused. "This is skipping."

"No," Johnny says pulling out three office passes. "I got Becca to help us out."

I roll my eyes. "Of course. But why?"

They say nothing as they pulled me to the Courtyard. We walk over to a small corner with a blanket on the ground. They sit me down and sit in front of me.

"What's going on?," I ask them once we've settled down.

"What's wrong?," Johnny asks.

"Nothing," I lie.

"Don't give us that bullshit," Maddie says. "We know something's wrong."

Johnny stares into my eyes.

"Does this have something to do with Aiden?," he asks.

My eyes start to burn but I make sure my tears stay hidden.

"N-no," I stutter.

"He left school this morning," Johnny says. "Did you know that?"

I nod my head.

"Why?," Johnny asks me.

"I don't know," I say quietly.

"Are you sure?," he asks. "Cause he seemed pretty upset when he walked over this morning. And you guys didn't even talk."

I don't say anything.

"Please Amelia," Maddie says. "Tell us whats going on."

I sigh. "Okay."

I tell them about all the times he laugh with me. The place he took me during Johnny's party. About the way he looked at me most of the time. And they sit there listening to me. When I stop, Maddie smiles at me and Johnny looks at me.

"Why are you guys not talking to each other?," he asks.

My eyes start to water. "Because he had Jenny all on his lap last week touching on her and laughing with her," I say with tears rolling down my cheeks. "Then we had an argument under the bleachers before your guys's practice about how he only did that because I wouldn't tell him about what Jake and I went into the hallway to talk about."

They look at me with wide eyes.

"And then I told him not to talk to me, call me, or text me anymore."

Johnny sighs. "So that's why he threw his phone when we got into the locker room."

"He threw his phone?," I ask.

"Yea, his face was all red and his eyes were bloodshot," Johnny says. "He chucked his phone at the wall and took off with all his stuff."

My heart ached. ~I did that to him?~

"He was probably upset about something else," I say.

Johnny rolls his eyes and Maddie sighs.

"Don't you see it Amelia?," Maddie says.

"See what?"

"Aiden is in love with you."

*Hope you enjoyed! Love you guys! Byebye!💖*

*Hope you enjoyed! Love you guys! Byebye!💖*

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