23 | bloody polite

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

You looked lovely today
in Diagon Alley.

My mother allowed me and Jason
get my stuff when after the supply
list came in, but I wasn't prepare
to see you there, even though I wish to.

I was so excited to look for new quills and get new books that I almost didn't see you waving at me.

oh look, there's your prince charming
Jason said out loud nudging me.

don't you say anything that will embarrassed me, please
I said with wide eyes as you made
your way towards us.

don't worry sister, you don't need my help for that
he squeezed my shoulder
and chuckled, leaving us alone after
he waved at you.

fancy seeing you here, Sammy
you said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

you too, Sirius
I smiled at you and looked behind you, where James and two adults where walking towards us too.
getting your stuff?

My heart was pounding in my chest,
and I felt my cheeks ache from the touch of your lips.

yeah, Euphemia thought
it was a good day

Look who it is, my fifth favorite person
James said opening his arms and squishing me.

hello, James
I said smiling at him.
I look at his parents and smiled.

oh yeah, mum, dad, this is Samantha, Sam, these are my parents
James introduced us and I shook their hands.

it's a pleasure to meet you,
Mr and Mrs Potter

the pleasure is ours, sweetie
Euphemia said giving me a hug.
doing your shopping as well?

I nodded
I came with my brother

well, we'll leave you kids to catch up
Fleamont said, patting your shoulder
don't cause too much trouble, you two

You and James put a hand in
your chests and pretended to be offended.

I'll make sure they don't do
anything, Mr Potter
I smiled and you both smiled at me.

They left, leaving us alone.
You turned to me and grinned, making my legs go weak.

how's your summer going, Sammy? Missing us like crazy?
You asked.

Only if you knew, Sirius.

I can't hardly sleep
I said rolling my eyes playfully.

have you seen Lily flower,
by any chance?
James asked me.

I nodded
she's not coming today,
she already went with Marlene last week

did you see her during the summer?
Is she stunning like always? Hang on, don't answer that, of course she is
he said smiling and you rolled your eyes.

let's go in before James over here starts reciting his speech about the colour of Evan's hair
You said taking my forearm,
taking me away from James.

I chuckled, letting the electricity ran through my arm.

Sam doesn't mind,
she actually listens to me
James said taking my other arm,
getting inside the shop with us.

because she's too bloody polite
to say otherwise
You said rolling your eyes and James gave you the finger, which made me laugh.

don't listen to him, Sammy,
let's go and talk about Lily's perfect smile for the third time

don't call her Sammy, mate,
I can only do that
You said and I blushed.

My face was completely red,
and I trying to cover it by looking away, but James noticed and grinned.

of course you're the only one,
Sam is too bloody polite to say otherwise
James teased and you had a smile in your face, ready to play-fight him,
but I put a hand on your chest, which made me blush even more.

no trouble,
remember what Mr Potter said

You both rolled your eyes but still smiled
alright, we'll carry on later,
when you turn around

I nodded satisfied and began
to look around the store, until I saw some beautiful white quills, and I dragged you both there. You two didn't really wanted to go, but you were too bloody polite for say otherwise.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



Purple Roses ° Sirius Black ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن