137 | thin air

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Another Murder in the Mist of the Ministry.

As many of you know, the number of murders and disappearings have increased in our own government. Many officials, department heads and judges
of the court have not only vanished
from thin air, but their bodies have
been turning up.

Many speculate that this is a message
to our Minister, mainly because most
of the people mentioned were supporters of the idea that Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has come back and wanted retaliation against the dark group.
But there is no proof of that, worry not.

Unfortunately, the lastest murder that has been uncovered is from one of the officials in the Magic Regulation Department: Jasper Moreau.

Moreau, 34, who was suspected of his fiancée's disappearing, was discovered in near one of the Ministry's entries from the muggle world. At this point, our officials are still trying to figure out if it was done by the killing curse, or in a muggle related incident. Nonetheless,
we were all aware of how Moreau spoke up about the Dark Lord's return. We will keep updating on the matter.

Out deepest condolences to
the Moreau family.

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Sirius Black Declared Innocent?

The Wizengamot has declared this morning that the convicted and former prisoner of Azkaban, Sirius Black, is innocent and all charged against him
are removed.

A shocking and surprise event that
shook everyone around the Wizarding World. After spending twelve years in the high guarded prison, and escaping approximately two years ago, he has been declared innocent.

According to the high court, Black had been framed by Peter Pettigrew all
those years ago. Black did not murder the thirteen muggles and did not betrayed the Potter Family like it was reported twelve years ago. After many attempts of the former prisoner's girlfriend, Samantha Castle, they reviewed his case and settled for a decision.

Although this does not decrease the safety of the people, the Ministry and the Wizengamot has declared Sirius Black
a non-dangerous individual.

We will be reporting the lasted on Black's return to our society, as well as following his steps close due to the high attention he has been receiving. We are unaware of Harry Potter's opinion of the matter, but until then, keep an eye open for
any possibility.

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A Mysterious and Strange Disappearance: Out of Thin Air?

There have been no new updates for the disappearance of Samantha Castle.

A month ago, the Ministry was notified that the head of the Department of Magical Relations, Samantha Castle, had vanished out of thin air.

Castle was last seen at night by her fellow friends, who all testified that everything was fine. However, the next morning, she was nowhere to be found. The only bit of information released
on that morning was that she was on
her way to work, but not further explain was given.

Ministry officials accompanied by some
of the most important Aurors of the department began a search for the missing woman. At first, they had found a trace of blood belonging to Castle and some of her belongings, which included her wand, scattered near one of the Ministry's entry points at broad daylight. But no new information had been released.

The statements of the people close to her have been reviewed by the officials who have not make any public comment or further explanation of their ongoing investigation.

At this moment, the only information we have gathered is that multiple people from all departments and all over the world have join the search for
Samantha Castle.

If you have any information that could be of use, contact us directly through the line below.

Our best wishes to the Castle family
and friends.

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