42 | thinking of you

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

I'm sorry I haven't write you here,
I have been really busy.

I met my Jason's girlfriend,
she is lovely. She has gorgeous
green eyes and was making
conversation with me all the time.

I think Jason was a little jealous of taking away her attention.
We went to a beautiful place in the city and had dinner.

Guess what?
My mum told me that this summer
will be going to travel a lot to meet distant family. It's a surprise,
but whenever I go, I'll get you something.

Remember the journal I gave you?
You have actually been writing me some times, which is great because I really really like talking to you.

I can't help but remember that
each day passes, I can't get you out of my mind.

I'm undecided.
I sometimes want to get rid
of this love I have for you, but then I remember you, and all the wonderful feelings you make me have.

I feel safe when I'm with you.
I feel love, and happiness when I'm
with you. I don't want to ever change that.

I hope you don't think it's selfish
of me being like this. I'm afraid that having this feelings for so
long it's not easy.

Soon, we'll be in our last year,
and I will not see you often.
It hurts already.

Will you keep writing me?
Will you still be my friend?
Because in all honesty, I wouldn't
want anything else in this world.

Everyone needs an anchor,
especially in dark times like this.
And you are mine.
If I feel nervous or sad, I think of you.
I think of a memory of you,
and how you make me feel.

It might sound like I'm being
too clingy or obsessed, but it's the truth.
Thinking of you doesn't hurt anybody, does it?

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



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