64 | come out and play

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

These days have been really cold,
the snow is so beautiful
that sometimes I catch myself
staring at it for a while.

Even though it's not appropriate
to be outside at this temperatures,
we still went for a walk.

We had a free period today,
and we weren't sure of what to do,
so we went outside.

We sat down in the snow making snowmans and figures.
While I try to make mines prettier,
you just wanted yours to be big.

When we finished, we sat back
and admired our work. We didn't used any magic because we decided that
it was best it we did it by ourselves.
The snow was so white, it seemed unreal.

As we sat down there quietly,
I picked up a snowball without you realizing it, and when you least expected, I threw it at your face.

You stood there without moving a muscle, with your eyes closed
and eyebrows raised.

It was a really funny sight, so I had
to laugh. And that's what I did,
I laughed until I fell backwards.

What was that for, Sammy?
you asked, taking off the snow of your face. For a moment I thought you
were mad, but the smile in your face said otherwise.

I'm sorry, Sirius
I said giving out my last laugh
I saw the opportunity and took it
I shrugged, smiling at you.

You nodded
Yeah, I get it...I'm sorry too, love

I said but did not finished because
of a snow ball hitting my face.

I could hear your laugh and I took
off the snow in my face.

I pursued my lips and nodded,
looking at you
That was fair, we're tied now

I stretched my hand to you, expecting you to take it. But without you seeing,
I took another snowball and right when you took my hand, I threw it at you.

You launched at me but I quickly
stood up, running away from you.

I ran and hid behind a tree.
My heart was pounding from excitement, but I was alert. I made another
snow ball and prepared for the war
that was about to come.

For a few seconds I didn't heard anything, but then out of the sudden
you came out of a side of the tree, making me scream in surprise.

You threw a snowball at me and I
did the same. We both hit our
targets but continued to make more
and throw them.

That's how we stayed,
picking snowballs and throwing them.

I hid myself again in diferente tree
and leaned back. My chest was going up and down from all the running I
had made, but the smile was
intact in my face.

I heard you call out.
I put a hand on my mouth so my laugh didn't gave me away.
come out and play, wherever you are

I prepared my snowball and stood straight, ready to jump out, but as
I was about to, you came out again,
but this time you did catch me.

You hug me from behind,
making sure I didn't escaped.

We laughed and I looked up at you,
as you were looking down at me.

you caught me
I whispered and you nodded.

I won
you whispered back.

We looked each other's eyes,
and as our faces were approaching,
a snowball hit us, making us jump
and separate.

A boy yelled out from the other
side of the yard.

We didn't answered,
but we didn't moved away either.

It was a tie
You said a couple of seconds later,
and I nodded, trying not to think too much of what was about to happen.
Come on, love, let's get some
hot chocolate

You extended your hand out for me
to reach and I took it. Together we walked back to the castle and into
the kitchen, where we talked and talked about random things. It didn't matter about what, it really didn't. We were together, and that was everything
I wished for.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you tomorrow.



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