53 | little closer

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

I'm not ashamed to say that
I still feel butterflies.

It's past midnight, like usual.
After we saw each other, my family
and I had dinner, but I couldn't go
to my room because we had to watch a movie together.

As soon as I was let free, I
prepared myself to go to sleep and I took my journals. The one I write here and the one where we talk.

I was so so happy to see you.
You have no idea how much
I missed you.

We agreed to meet at Diagon Alley,
and like usual, Remus was the
first one to arrive. He seemed
tired but when he saw me he
pretended he was fine.

You and James arrived last,
at this point everyone is used to it.

The girls and I were catching up,
and I was so into the conversation
that I didn't see you approaching.

It wasn't until Marlene stoped
talking that I looked up, and the first thing I saw was your eyes.
Then your smile, then all of you.

I smiled and stood up, giving
you one big hug. While your arms
were wrapped around me,
I felt my knees go weak, and my heart was pounding.

We probably took a little longer
because someone cleared their
throat, reminding us that we
were not alone.

We separated each other and
smiled. I looked down for a couple of seconds but then I went to say
hi to James.

I hope you're that thrilled
to see me too, Sam
James said opening his arms.

I smiled and nodded,
hugging him too.

We're going to talk about that friendly hug, young lady
he whispered making me chuckled.

When we separated,
I nodded and everyone sat down.

I can't denied that I was surprise
when you sat next to me, where Lily was going to sit. She raised an eyebrow but jut send me a complicit look.

We chatted for a long time, as long
as we needed. It was going to
be the start of last year, and who
knows when it will be our last chance
to sit and chat with each other without worrying about school.

The whole time you were next to me, you were close. Closer than what we
are used to. Our knees touched
each other, and I could feel the heat radiating from your body.
I didn't mind though, it felt right.

You throw glances at me once
in a while, and I would just
smiled sweetly.

When we were at the table,
our hands were next to each other.
At one point, we moved closer,
and they touched each other.
It was barely a graze, but it powerful enough to send electricity through my body.

Out fingertips touched each other
for a couple of seconds once in while.
By the end of the day, you were a little closer to me than where you were
in the beginning.

We said goodbye to everyone,
but we left each other for last.

While James was talking to
Frank near the door, you approached
me before you left.

We walked towards each other
and smiled, just looking into our eyes.

I hope you had a good time, Sammy
You spoke lowly, like we were
sharing a secret. It felt like we were, somehow.

I did
I said in the same lower tone.
did you?

You smirked and nodded.
I did

I nodded slowly a couple of times,
but our eyes never left each other.

I suppose I will see you soon
I said with a small smile in my face.

You chuckled and nodded.
of course you will, Sammy,
whenever you'd like

I nodded and pursed my lips.
I could see my brother waiting for me
outside, and I couldn't help but feel disappointed. I didn't want to leave you.

goodbye, Sirius
I whispered.

I looked around, but then my eyes
fell back on you. I approached you
and pushed up my tip toes to reach you, closing my eyes.

I gave you a kiss next to your mouth, just as you did before.

When I back away, I saw you're
eyes were closed, but then you
opened them again, sending me a look.

I'll see you soon, Sammy
You whispered, making me nod. 

I walked away, but I purposely
let my hand touched yours. I looked back at you, swing you one last smile.

I didn't know what I was doing,
but I didn't cared. I did one of the things I thought I would never had
to courage to.

Do you think I could do the rest?

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



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