40 | little secret

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𝓓𝓮𝓪𝓻 𝓢𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓾𝓼,

Guess who was been
writing to me every week?

William has been really sweet.
He has been writing non stop, and I even think he has a schedule or something. It's nice, really.

But how have you been?
I got your letters, and everyone else's. I'm glad that you have been good
with the Potters.

James invited me and the rest to his home, for a Christmas of our own.
I'll try and ask my parents, but if it means seeing you, I'll try harder.

I have everyone's presents,
which is a relief. When I was buying Lily's gift, I ran into a boy that was
buy something for his girlfriend.
He was very nice and talkative,
telling me all about her. I think he goes to the school, I forgot to ask.
But I did ask was his name,
Arthur, if I recall.

My mum wants to take to a reunion
with her friends, so I can maybe find a suitor. But I don't want to, as you can already imagine.

Is it bad that I can't see myself with anyone in the future? I mean,
is nice to imagine a future with
you by my side, but as I've already
told you, I'm realistic.

Hopefully my mother comes into
sense, or maybe my father or Jason
can talk her out of it.

Another funny thing happened.
Our dear mister Potter wants to pay me a sickle for each time I tell him sometime Lily likes, so he can impress her.
So he basically wants me to a spy.
Which isn't that bad. I don't know.

Do you think it would be funny to tell
him something the opposite as she said? That would be evil, but I have a feeling you would approve.

Keep writing to me, please.
I keep every single one of your
letters at the end of the journal, just
to remember you. I have also my necklace with me, and I'm not planing
of staying away from it.

My family keeps asking me if I
have someone special in mind,
someone that has caught my attention.
But I say no.

You are my little secret.
If I tell the world about you,
it would be like exposing my lost intimate moment. Because you are something I'm hiding, and I'm not planing on reveling it just yet.

Goodbye Sirius, I'll see you soon.



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