Chapter Two

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Chloe's P.O.V

I placed the final picture frame of my adorable, fat cat Miss Kitty on my nightstand. "There," I smiled proudly as I looked around my dorm room. "Everything is finally finished, and just in time for this semester to start, too."

"Wow," my best friend, Hailee Macintyre, laughed as she walked into my small dorm room, looking around. "You sure have a lot of pictures of your family in here."

"Of course I do, don't you?" I asked as I plopped onto my bed.

"Nah, just one," she said and pushed up her black glasses, her blue eyes scanning my room as if analyzing all of it. She pushed back one of her frizzy, dark curly strands of hair behind her ear and grinned at me. "Come on, Chloe, come see how I decorated my dorm room," she said while pulling me off my bed and proceeding to tug me behind her.

I couldn't wait for college to start. It had been my dream to go to the University of Alabama since ninth grade, and after a lot of hard work in school and studying, I got two amazing scholarships to go here. One for my outstanding GPA, the second for a great ACT score, and the third for being a part of the Million Dollar Band. What made it even better was that my best friend in the entire world was my roommate.

Hailee dragged me into her room, and I was stunned to see everything around me. At this point, I shouldn't be surprised by anything Hailee showed me, but she managed to do it every single time. Her room was beautifully decorated in an ombre of blues and accents of gold. Everywhere I looked was the most expensive this and that. On top of her nightstand was one single picture of her family, just Hailee and her parents.

Hailee was an only child and was raised in the wealthiest home of Willowbrook. Her parents could afford anything Hailee wanted. All she had to do was ask and poof, just like a genie in a lamp, everything she ever dreamed of appeared before her. Unlike her, I was not raised in a wealthy family, but my family was considered middle class. My dad was a firefighter, and my mom was a nurse. They were hardworking, wonderful people who I looked up to and strived to be like one day, rich or not.

I looked to see her Valedictorian certificate framed on her blue bedroom wall. Hailee was more than just a pretty rich girl, she was also extremely smart. She won Valedictorian of the senior class, which was an amazing honor. It showed how hard Hailee worked throughout high school to earn that spot, considering there were a couple hundred others contending for it, but she beat them all and it made me so proud.

"You know, Chloe, when I looked at our GPAs to see how close we were, I was literally only a hundredth of a point above you. It was super close, even the school counselor was stunned. I feel like we both should have been Valedictorian," Hailee smiled proudly.

I smiled at her. Hailee was such a good friend. "Nah, you deserve it Hailee. You are the smartest person I know."

She laughed and shook her head, her dark curls bouncing from side-to-side. "I always felt like you were."

We were interrupted by Hailee's latest iPhone vibrating. She took her phone out of her pocket and looked to see who texted her. "Chloe texted me," she said as she started texting back.

"Come on, I'm right here," I grinned and elbowed her jokingly.

"Not you, it's Chloe Marshall," Hailee said, not looking up from her phone screen.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed and sat down on Hailee's bed. I didn't like Chloe Marshall. I also didn't like knowing that some of the kids from my high school were coming here, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. I guessed it was a coincidence that we all happened to want to go to the same school. "You know how I feel about Chloe Marshall," I said with disgust.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now