Chapter Forty-five

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Luke's P.O.V

The semester was officially over, and I was relieved, but at the same time disappointed. I never got to talk to Chloe that day, which I felt like was going to haunt me the rest of my life. I tried texting her, but there was no response. Even though I wanted to go back to her dorm just in case she was there, I didn't and continued packing the rest of my things and headed home before I was officially kicked out of my dorm.

My parents were ecstatic that I was home, along with Ruth and Rachel. My family helped me unpack what I needed, and afterwards we went to my favorite restaurant, Longhorn, to celebrate my first semester at the University of Alabama.

The next couple of days I kept texting Chloe asking if she was okay and wondered if she still wanted to talk to me, but I got no response. I knew this wasn't like her, just like it wasn't like me to not respond to her. I ended up doing the only thing I knew to do: call Marshall.

I paced back and forth in my room as I had one hand shoved into my pocket with the other holding my phone to my ear.

Soon enough, Marshall picked up and said, "Hello?"

"Hey Marshall, this is Luke," I said and stared out of my bedroom window. "I was wondering if you spoke with Chloe at all for the past couple of days?"

"Yeah. I went to her house the other day to comfort her...Did you hear about that son of a bitch?"

"Who?" I asked and immediately I knew who she was talking about. "Hailee?"

"Yeah! I mean what the hell was wrong with her to do such a horrible thing to Claire! I had my own reasons for disliking Hailee because she kept begging for us to hang out all of the time, but I never would've thought Hailee would sink that low and be the ultimate bitch she turned out to be. After I found out I dropped that bitch faster than I burn calories," Marshall said angrily.

I was seething just thinking about what Hailee said to me, but to think that Hailee actually said something to Chloe? Despicable. "Hailee actually said something to Chloe?" I asked, refraining from raising my voice.

"Yeah she basically called her ugly and fat, which are both totally untrue," Marshall said. "I told Chloe that Hailee was just a jealous bitch that didn't deserve her, but as you probably already know Chloe is still pretty distraught about the whole thing. She lost the one person who was supposed to be by her side until the end y'know? That must suck."

I agreed. "I still need to talk to her by the way."

"About your feelings? Yeah, I know you do. Now go over to her house and confess your ass to her."

"Go to her house? I don't even know her address."

"Lucky for you, I do, now I'll send it to you. Now go, Luke. Go tell her how you feel," she said, the urgency clear in her voice.

"I will," I said and hung up. I looked down to see the Chloe's address and searched it up on Google Maps. It was kind of crazy to think that the girl I liked only lived ten minutes away.

I rushed downstairs, grabbed my keys, and went out of the house. I hopped into my black, GMC truck, started up the engine, and pulled out of the driveway before my parents even knew I was gone.

Chloe's house turned out to be a small, two-story white house with black shutters and a hedged in yard. It looked like the perfect place to grow up, with a big, beautiful oak tree in the front yard.

I pulled into the driveway to see that her car was in fact here. I got out of my truck and carefully walked up to her porch and knocked on the door, holding my breath.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now