Chapter One

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Fair warning to everyone reading, do not copy or translate ANY of my works. I have worked hard coming up with this series and I do not want someone to take away any of my hard work away from me. If you see someone copying my work, please notify me immediately. Thank you for reading and I hope you guys have a wonderful day!

Luke's P.O.V

"Armstrong!" Head Coach Braxton yelled at me across the field. "Quit daydreaming and get back to practice! We didn't offer you a full ride just so you can dance around the field like a pixie!"

"Yes sir!" I immediately responded, returning my focus back to practice. I could've sworn I just saw her. I mean, she was in the band, right? Pretty sure at graduation she was offered a scholarship to join the Million Dollar Band. I quickly take another glance just to make sure I was actually seeing the Million Dollar Band walk past when I felt something slam right into my stomach.

"Fuck, Luke, when are going to pay attention to the damn game?" I heard my childhood best friend, Jacob Sykes, scowl.

I caught the football that slammed into my stomach and laughed, trying to act like it didn't faze me. "I'm paying attention, trust me," I lied.

"To hell with that," Jacob turned and spit onto the field. "Not only have I been playing football with you since our peewee days, we've been best friends since then and throughout high school so I'm pretty sure I know when you're not."

I smirked and shook my head. "What can I say, apparently, I am a terrible liar," I said sheepishly as I threw the football back to him.

"That you are, my brother," Jacob laughed and caught the football with ease.

Except that I wasn't as terrible as Jacob had thought. I had been keeping a secret for the past eight years, and not even my prying older sisters knew about it. Besides, the only person who had known must have long forgotten about it so there was nothing to worry about. The secret was still safe, for now at least. What was my secret?

My obsession with Chloe Claire.

Chloe Claire was this girl I practically grew up with. I met her in fifth grade, as lame as it sounded, but honestly it all started when our teacher, Mrs. Mayfield, kept pairing us up together. It didn't sound odd until you realize Mrs. Mayfield kept assigning different partners to everyone but Chloe and me.

"Why does she keep pairing us together?" I asked Chloe. It wasn't like I disliked Chloe at the time, but I was certainly confused as to why I wasn't paired with anyone else.

Chloe shrugged, not saying a word. I could tell that she wasn't comfortable around me yet, which unnerved me. I never wanted to make anyone uncomfortable, in fact, I just wanted to be friends with everyone.

The next day I came to school, everyone in the class was stunned to see that they had been moved to different assigned desks. I was put up front with Jacob Sykes and wondered who was going to sit on the other side of me. Jacob and I were goofing off at the time until I heard a certain voice.

"Wow," I heard her say.

I instantly looked behind my shoulder to see Chloe Claire in full view. I smiled at her, as I did to everyone. "What?" I asked.

"I have to sit next to you," she rolled her eyes as she sat down next to me.

For whatever reason I was not offended by this, but instead smiled and laughed. "And is that a problem?"

Chloe smirked, "I guess not," and that was how our friendship started.

Fifth grade was probably one of the funniest years of school I ever had, including high school. It wasn't like any of my other years sucked, it was just that someone made that particular year the best year of my life. There was just something about Chloe Claire that attracted me to her, even though I had no idea what it was at the time. I remembered coming home beaming, telling my mom about something Chloe said or did. She was the funniest girl I had ever met. Every day she seemed to crack a new joke or find some way to make me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants. Best of all, she was not afraid to tell a poop joke. Sure, call me immature or childish but that shit was the funniest.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now