Chapter Nineteen

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Chloe's P.O.V

Luke walked toward me with a brilliant grin on his face and sat down right in front of me, which was a little surprising since I heard Hailee ask him to sit next to her.

"Luuuuke," Hailee whined. "Didn't you hear me say that I wanted you to sit next to me?"

"Oh, you did?" Luke scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"Yeah," she rolled her eyes and pushed her black rimmed glasses up her thin nose.

"I'm sorry," he laughed slightly and placed his elbows on the table, rubbing his palms together. His green eyes then darted to mine, and I felt myself begin to blush by the contact.

Stop it, Chloe, I told myself as I looked away, feeling a small smile grow on my face before I even had a chance to stop it.

"How did you like the game?" Luke asked me all of the sudden.

I looked back at him to see him relax, a beautiful smile plastered on his face. "I thought–"

"The game was great as always, Luke," Hailee interrupted, scrunching up her face playfully.

I thought that he was addressing me, but I guessed I was wrong. Oops.

"I was actually talking to Chloe," Luke laughed, "but I'm glad you liked it."

Oh, so he was talking to me. At least I don't feel incompetent anymore. "I thought the game wasn't as good as it could be," I said honestly while nodding my head.

His eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Really?" he asked and stopped rubbing his hands together.

I shrugged. "I mean, I expected you guys to win, but I was a little disappointed in that you let them score two touchdowns. I thought your defense was impenetrable, but I guess not." Dang it, Chloe. You probably sound rude! I added a small, nervous smile.

Luke tilted his head, and his smile only grew wider. "You are right about that. We shouldn't have let them score against us at all, but we had to let second string players play at that point."

"Even then," I continued a little more boldly, "they shouldn't have let it happen."

He nodded his head and raised his hands up in defeat. "I can't argue with that."

I smiled. "But I did notice that you got a touchdown near the end. It was pretty awesome. Are you going to make this a normal thing or?"

Luke couldn't stop grinning. "Thank you, and I hope so."

"Well, I think you will," I smiled back.

I immediately felt an elbow jabbed in my side and I glanced over at Hailee, who was smiling at me sheepishly.

"Ouch," I complained, rubbing my side while glaring at her.

She shrugged, mumbling sorry and looked back in Luke's direction.

"Hey Luke," I heard Prick's voice say. I looked up to see Prick, Marshall, and Heather walking in the pizza place with a mixture of smirks and content smiles on their faces.

Luke glanced at Jacob as they sat in their seats, Jacob next to Luke, Marshall next to Hailee, and Heather next to Jacob. "Hey man," he said in a friendly manner.

Sometimes I couldn't understand why Luke and Jacob were best friends. Maybe it was just a guy thing in general. Somehow, most guys were just friends with each other no matter how bad of a jerk the other person was. That, or Luke was completely oblivious.

"Sup Claire," Prick addressed me, flicking his head upward at me as his sickening blue eyes raked over me like I was some Thanksgiving turkey–whether that was a good thing or a bad thing I couldn't tell, but either way I didn't like it.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now