Chapter Thirty-three

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Luke's P.O.V

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked frantically as I gently pushed Jessica to the side.

"What the hell do you think I'm doing?" Jessica asked while chewing her gum. "We were just kissing...Was I not supposed to kiss you?" she asked with wide eyes. I could already see that her feelings were hurt.

"No, you weren't," I sighed, trying to figure out a way that I could handle this without breaking her heart. "You're a pretty girl, Jess, but..."

"'You're a pretty girl, Jess, but I just don't like you that way.' Is that right?" she asked, her dark eyes already saddened.

"I'm sorry, Jess. I didn't know you felt that way about me," I said while running my fingers through my hair, my heart pounding against my chest. "If it makes you feel any better I like someone else."

"It's okay," she perked up all of the sudden. "Trust me, Luke, I'm really not that heartbroken. My pride is a little more hurt than anything, but that kiss was actually meant more for someone else anyway," she said and patted my shoulder.

Wait what? For someone else? "What do you mean for someone else? You literally just kissed me."

"I know, but do you think Kason just saw us kiss?" she asked with hopeful eyes, blowing a bubble with her mint blue gum.

"Kason? Why would Kason–"

"Luke, clearly this will be hard for you to understand, but unlike most girls, I don't like you like that. I'm sorry if your man pride is at all wounded by this, but you'll be surprised to learn that in fact, I like Kason Vanderbilt. I always have and was wondering if he just saw us kiss so I could see if he got jealous at all."

Unlike most girls? Clearly, I wouldn't understand since I knew most girls didn't like me anyway. That didn't hurt my 'man pride' one bit. "So, what you're saying is that the reason you kissed me out of the blue a second ago is just to get Kason Vanderbilt jealous so that you know if he's into you or not?"

"Exactly," Jess nodded and popped her bubblegum bubble with her teeth.

"You know that doesn't work, Jess," I said, wiping my lips. "Guys don't like girls who just go around kissing guys to spark a reaction–at least normal guys don't in my experience."

"Well now I'm a little offended that you just had to wipe your mouth like I infected you with cooties," she rolled her eyes and continued to chew her gum. "And since when do guys not like girls that are hard to get?"

"The good ones," I laughed. "If Kason actually saw you do that and wanted you more than he did before, I'd be surprised. He's not that kind of guy, Jess. He's a good one."

"Shit! I messed up big time," she shook her head. "I know he's a good one, Luke. I was just being...well...stupid. Now I could've ruined everything."

Damn right, I thought to myself and looked at the white double doors. Where was Chloe? She just texted me moments ago saying she would come find me, but I still have yet to see her. Thinking about how crowded the place was, it probably freaked her out a little. That's probably why she wanted to come to me, so that I didn't see her freak out. I smiled slightly. Chloe was cute sometimes, but beautiful all the time. Maybe I should just go find her.

I got up from the couch and left Jess sitting there alone freaking herself out. I walked out of the living room with ease, everyone circling out of my way.

I felt someone bump into me, and I looked down to see some guy about to mouth me off when he looked up at me and smiled.

"Sorry for bumping into you, Luke," the guy grinned sheepishly and quickly got out of my way.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now