Chapter Forty

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Chloe's P.O.V

It was around seven o' clock and I had forgotten to eat dinner. I was finishing up studying for exams on my laptop when my phone started vibrating on my desk. Curious, I looked at my phone to see that I was getting a call from Kason.

I answered my phone and asked, "Hello?"

"Hey Chloe," Kason said, his voice slightly annoyed.

I wondered what was wrong with him. "Are you okay?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. Perhaps he was having a bad day.

"No," he said shortly.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I said, getting up from desk.


"Then how am I supposed to know what's wrong unless you don't tell me?" That was literally what two people in a relationship were supposed to do: communicate.

"Let me just say this: stay away from Luke," he said simply.

What the heck? "Stay away from Luke? Why?"

"Because I said so."

"Excuse me? Last time I checked you don't own me. Now tell me why I have to stay away from him," I raised my voice. Normally I didn't have an attitude like this, but I was not about to be Kason's dog on a leash. That was no way to speak to someone–anyone.

"Sorry, Chloe," I heard him sigh. "I just don't like him–at all."

"I still don't understand why you don't like him. He's a really good guy." And he was.

"He's just trying to take everything away from me."

Trying to take everything away from him? "Like what for example?"

"He just thinks he's superior to everyone else. He's arrogant, rude, conceited, and thinks that his position of wide receiver belongs to him and no one else. I bet his family probably pays Coach Braxton to play him instead of me."

There were several things I knew about Luke Armstrong, and I knew he was definitely not arrogant, rude, conceited, or that his family paid Coach Braxton off to play wide receiver. Luke was a standup guy. He was nice, respectful, humble, and talented. Kason sounded like he was a little jealous to me. "I don't think those are good enough reasons for me to stay away from him, Kason. He's my friend, and a good friend at that."

"Just promise me that you won't work at the concession stand with him tomorrow night," he said, worry filling his voice.

"I can't, Kason. I already signed up to do it, that makes me obligated to go. Besides, if I don't go it'll mess up my grade." And my grades were extremely important to me.

"I'm sure there will be other opportunities," he said.

He was really trying to push this 'stay away from Luke thing' hard. "Not after this one," I said as I walked around my room. I stared a picture of Miss Kitty curled up in my lap. I couldn't wait for Thanksgiving break, so I could go back home and see her–and of course the rest of my family.

Kason sighed again. "I just don't like that you two are friends."

"What is there not to like about our friendship?" I asked, genuinely confused. "I understand that you dislike him, even if your reasons are invalid, but that doesn't mean I should dislike him just because you do. We're friends and the fact that we're dating doesn't mean that will change." It didn't matter who I was dating or how much I liked the guy, there was no way it would ever overpower my friendship with Luke. Plain and simple. Besides, Kason wasn't even my boyfriend, not that it really mattered in this situation.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now