Chapter Thirteen

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Chloe's P.O.V

My face burned like a four-hundred-degree oven. I was trying to process everything that was happening around me, but it was more like a whirlwind, fast and uncontrollable. Before I knew what I was saying, I blurted out, "Yes."

I saw a gleam in Luke's green eyes I hadn't seen since the time we were in fifth grade, and the way his natural lips curled into an adorable grin made my heart feel like Jell-O. It was slightly annoying at how cute Luke could be, whether I liked him or not–which I didn't like him. We just wanted to be friends again. And that was it.

"Do you remember Kyle Higgins?" he asked suddenly, causing me to tear my eyes away from his lips and replace my confusion with amusement.

"Oh, I definitely remember him," I chuckled a little, thinking back onto his atomic fart.

Luke's grin grew wider. "I probably sound super childish, but I wondered if you remembered during a tornado drill in fifth grade when we were all huddled together in the hallway that Kyle got so scared of the thundering outside that he farted."

I burst into laughter, remembering it all. "Poor Kyle," I mustered out between laughs. "We'll never let him live it down."

It felt incredible as we laughed for the next couple of minutes about Kyle Higgins. I wasn't thinking about how impossible it was to be in a room alone with Luke laughing over something as silly as Kyle or how surreal it was that we wanted to friends again. It was like there was some sort of spell cast over us, making it feel like a day hadn't gone by since we were cutting up in Mrs. Mayfield's class.

Luke opened his mouth to say more but both of our phones buzzed, bringing me back to reality. I kinda wished no one texted us so we could enjoy ourselves just a moment longer.

Hailee: Hey where are you guys at

Of course, it was Hailee. Who else would interrupt at the worst of times? I looked over at Luke, who quickly began texting away.

Luke: Room 221 upstairs, second floor

Kason: Okay we're heading over, is Chloe with you?

I laughed. He could've just asked me instead of being a weirdo and asking like I'm not even in the group chat. I responded quickly:

Me: Yeah I'm here

Kason: lol I probably sounded dumb but that's okay

I giggled and replied:

Me: Just a little

Luke laughed and set down his phone. "Kason sure is special, isn't he?"

"Definitely," I agreed, smiling. I realized that we were just smiling at each other and I suddenly felt like millions of endorphins were released in my brain. I stopped smiling, feeling confused as to what was happening. Luke and I wanted to be friends again. No, that must be just made up. He couldn't want to be friends with me, but just moments ago that's what he asked. I couldn't believe it.

I looked over to see his raspberry mocha untouched, and I couldn't help but ask, "Have you even tried your raspberry mocha yet?" If I were him, that sucker would be a quarter empty by now.

"Apparently I forgot it existed," he said with an adorable grin. "I'm really curious as to how it tastes since you seem to like them so much," he said as he picked up the coffee.

"How do you know I like them so much?" I asked, a little surprised he even knew. Perhaps it was a stupid question, and everyone knew it but me.

He laughed. "Anyone with eyes can see that's your favorite coffee. You order it every time we go to a coffee place."

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now