Chapter Seven

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Before you read any further, this chapter is dedicated to my precious kitty, Miss Kitty, who I modeled Chloe's cat after since my Miss Kitty passed away on 1/30/19. Any time I mention her I will post a picture of in remembrance so I hope that explains the random cat pictures on Chapter Two and Three. Love you Miss Kitty and I know you're in a better place <3 

Chloe's P.O.V

Once it was around five-forty, Dr. Cambridge let us go. It was my last class of the day and it was exciting that I could finally go back to my dorm.

"What are you doing after this?" I heard Jess ask Luke, not even glancing in my direction.

Luke stood up and put his backpack around his shoulders. "I'm actually meeting a friend for dinner at the caf," he said coolly, running his hands through his brown hair.

"What a coincidence! I am meeting someone at the caf, too!" she grinned as she smacked her gum.

Luke raised his eyebrows and smiled slightly. "Really?"

"Yeah, I met him in sociology. His name is Jacob," she grinned, moving her smooth hair to one shoulder.

"You must be the girl my friend Jacob said was eating at the caf with us," Luke laughed, his face flushed with relief for some reason.

She cocked her head. "What a coincidence! We might as well walk there together." I supposed 'What a coincidence!' was her catch phrase, and that was going to get old really fast. Was it too late to change classes?

Before I could hear another word, I walked outside of the building and headed back to my dorm, wanting to roll my eyes. There was no doubt in my mind that Jacob had already met her and asked her to eat dinner with them at the cafeteria. It just boggled my mind at how easy some things were for people. Everyone had their own clique, even in college. I was just still trying to find out where I belonged.

I walked into my dorm, surprised to see Chloe Marshall sitting on my couch in the small living room area. "What are you doing here?" I asked without thinking, which was one of my many faults.

Marshall huffed out a breath and her glossed lips curled up into a smile. "I would have asked you the same question except that you probably live with Hailee."

I nodded and decided it was my time to head into my room. I didn't feel like talking to her right now, but when did I ever feel like talking to her?

"Hey," she called after me as I opened the door to my room.

"Yeah?" I answered, staring at her.

"Do you know when Hailee will be here?" she asked, looking in her compact mirror while cleaning up her eyeliner.

"I don't know, I thought that you would know, considering that you are sitting here on our couch," I shrugged. "Did Hailee give you a key to our dorm or did she allow you in and run off?" The two possibilities sounded like something Hailee would do.

Marshall smirked. "She gave a key to me this morning, saying that I could drop by any time I like. Besides, I am actually here because we are going to eat at the caf with a few friends." She closed her compact shut and stared at me with her piercing blue eyes, folding her thin arms. "You didn't want to join, did you? Hailee said you wouldn't, but I thought I might as well ask."

"Well that was polite of you, but Hailee was right. I don't feel like going," I said more coldly than what I meant. I already knew who they were meeting, and there was no way I wanted to hang out with them some more.

Marshall nodded and looked around our dorm, probably comparing it to hers. My first instinct was that she thought this place looked terrible compared to her dorm, but I remembered that I have Hailee Macintyre as a roommate, whose family spent as much money needed to make sure Hailee was pampered and happy.

My Obsession with Chloe Claire: BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now