"All I Want For Christmas"

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Percy PoV

There were so many things piling on top of each other, it was hard to focus on any of them. I was here to protect Harry, but now I also had to protect Draco, and I still had no idea whether or not Annabeth and Jason were okay, or the other demigods, though my gut told me they weren't. It was painful to think that the love of my life, my cousin, and others I love were trapped somewhere and that there's nothing I can do to help them. If only Santa was real.

Christmas was coming up and everyone in Hogwarts are getting into the holiday season, but all I could think about is all the missing demigods and my responsibilities here. Somehow, I knew their disappearance had to do with me, or in part. It wasn't a coincidence that demigods started disappearing while I'm at Hogwarts, but even if I knew who it was, there's nothing I can do. I'm useless. I can't even do my mission properly.

Dumbledore's been taking Harry on these mysterious trips making it impossible for me to protect Harry while he's on these trips. I'm pretty sure if Albus could protect Harry, Hecate wouldn't have sent me here, or rather cause me to crash into their ceiling. Not only that, but Harry seems more distant and I worry that he'll stop trusting me, that would make my job much harder. I don't know what caused the sudden distance, maybe it was something I said, but I hope it doesn't last long. Considering how I handed him the stupid potions book with the cursed spell in it, I wouldn't be surprised if I did do something. I have to be more careful than that, because now I have to find a way to make sure that when Harry does shoot the spell Draco doesn't get hit.

Maybe Harry shooting the spell was inevitable to begin with, but I have to get there on time or else Draco dies. There's only one way Draco's not getting hit by that spell and that's to push him out of the way, so, I have to get there. I already figured out it was going to happen in a bathroom, and thanks to Ron, I know it's the girls bathroom that's haunted by Moaning Myrtle. Maybe I can warn her, or get her to help me. At least almost no-one goes there so I probably won't be seen in there. Nodding my head once, I headed out of the common room, starting for the third floor bathroom. Once I arrived, I glanced around before heading in, making sure I wasn't spotted.

"Oh, a visitor, and so handsome too!" I was startled by the voice and spun around to see a ghost floating above one of the stalls, nearly "touching" the roof. The voice was high-pitched and childlike.

"I'm guessing you're Moaning Myrtle..." the ghost 'ooed' before doing a spin and rushing around the bathroom. "Right. Um, my name is Percy Jackson and I need your help. Something's going to happen, I don't know when, but Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy are going to be in here at the same time when it does. It's going to be bad and I need your help to stop it. When they're both in here, the moment you can, I need you to cause a disturbance in the water in the pipes. Not something that would alert anyone on the outside, but I'll know. Can I trust you to help me?" The ghost sighed and twirled a piece of her hair.

"Everyone makes fun of me, everyone thinks I'm useless. Those who don't always want something. 'Myrtle, shh, Myrtle be quiet, Myrtle don't tell anyone!' But no one ever talks to me, I'm so lonely." She started this low wail that soon grew in volume. I wanted to shush her, but at didn't want to be rude.

"I'll talk to you, but I need your help." She snapped and her eyes narrowed.

"They always want something in return!" She snarled. "Get out! Get out!" Her screams got louder, but she was my best shot.

"Yes, I do want something in return. I would talk to you regardless, but if you don't help me, I won't have anytime to talk to you because I'll have to spend it all trying to find a different option. I promise, if you help me, I'll come and talk to you when I can." She turned away, her shoulders slumped sadly.

"That's what they all say." Her voice was small and sad and I sympathized with her.

"I'm not everyone, and I swear to you, I will come talk to you." She sighed, then spun around, a giggle penetrating the air. Does she have constant mood swings?

"Okay, I'll do it. You best be going, today doesn't count. Bye, Percy!" I walked out of the bathroom weirded out, but committed. If saving Draco meant talking to her every now and then, then it was worth it. Besides, she's not that bad.

. . .

I was back at the window, but it was nighttime. The darkness outside fit my mood perfectly. I couldn't stop thinking about everything I had to do and everything I wish I could do. I know I'm not the same as I was, but I can't stop myself from changing. Every free moment is spent thinking, analyzing, planning. Clearly I needed to work on the last one since I'm not very good at it. I try to keep myself together because like it or not, a lot of people depend on me right now and I need to be ready. I have to pretend like everything's alright when really it's not, but I have to because that's what they have to see, that's what I need. I have this weight on my shoulders that seems to never go away and it's not fair, but ever since I was twelve, I learned that fairness isn't evenly distributed in this world. My eyes caught the gaze of someone else in the windows reflection.

If only this person knew what I have to deal with everyday, could feel what I carry on my shoulders. If only they'd seen all I've seen, felt all I've felt. Heard what I've heard, held what I've held. I've held so many, so many that would never be held again. And then those eyes are gray and I can make out the platinum hair, It's Draco. And I smile.

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