Intro and Warnings

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Please bear with me.

I'm not sure how often I'll post on this. 

I really love this idea.

For the parts that have or mention abuse I will put a warning.

This is a forbidden love story.

Lance is the child of the Sun.

Keith is the child of the Moon.

They control when the sun goes up and when the moon goes up.

They Sun and Moon live for an eternity.

Once they reach a certain age a child is gifted to them from the sky.

They are the next heir or heiress.

Once their child is ready they will step down and it becomes the child's duty.

Eventually the parent will fade off into the sky.

The kingdoms are separated by a wall.

Nobody is allowed to pass through.

The Sun kingdom on one side and the Moon kingdom on the other.

They're told that if they pass horrible things will happen.

It's not true and only used to scare the people into staying on their own sides.

The Moon kingdom is dark with nothing beautiful or warm in it.

Cold and cruel.

The Sun kingdom is bright and full of life.

Warm and friendly.

"Those who love you are not fooled by mistakes you have made

or dark images you hold about yourself.

They remember your beauty when you feel ugly;

your wholeness when your broken;

your innocence when you feel guilty;

and you purpose when you are confused."

-Alan Cohen

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