Chapter 19

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I barely have time to look up as Lance runs at me. He crashes into me forcefully and almost knocks me down.


He places a sloppy wet kiss on my cheek before nuzzling his face into my neck.

"You're happy today."

"Do you seriously not realize what day it is?"

He laughs.


"Today we get our spirit animals or whatever the fancy history books call them."

"Oh. You mean our chosen ones?"

"Yes! Those ones!"

"I don't see what the big deal is."

He pulls back and I watch as he rolls his eyes.

"Seriously? Those animals are made for us. They're gifts. Mine is a gift from the clouds and yours is a gift from the stars. Didn't you ever meet your fathers?"

"I did. And I hated it. It was a black panther. It's fur was slick and the color of oil. It had dark amber eyes that would glow in the dark and it would always flash it's fangs at people. His name was Absinthe."

"I'm not surprised. My mother had a giant phoenix. Her name was Adena. She was, for the most part nice, but she would always watch me and it scared me when I was little."

"So, we've established that we don't like them."

"No. We didn't like our parents chosen ones. I didn't like Adena but my mother loved her. I bet you're going to love yours."

"They're just animals."

"With special powers. They're meant for us. Just wait. You're going to fall in love with your chosen one and I'll just rub it in your face."

"Okay. Sure."

(I love the next chapter. Literally just an excuse to add animals to this. There's a certain wolf I wanted to add...)

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