Chapter 8

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I look down at Keith as he sleeps and sigh.

"My love, I wish the world wasn't so cruel to you. I wish I could do more."

I caress the side of his face with my thumb before leaning down and kissing his forehead.

"I love you. Forever and always."


At my mother's voice I go stiff. I hear the footsteps approach my door and there's a loud knocking before she speaks again.

"Lance, I have some very bad news!"

I don't respond and she continues.

"The King of the Moon kingdom has contacted me to let me know that his heir is missing and has been for two days! He warns caution saying that the boy is dangerous and could wreak havoc on our kingdom and anyone he comes in contact with! Please, be careful until he is found!"

I snort and roll my eyes before looking down at the "dangerous" boy lying asleep in my lap.

"You don't have to talk to me! I know you're mad! I just want to you stay safe! That is all!"

With that I hear her turn and the footsteps travel back down the hall.

"Yeah... How very kind of her to worry about me."

I mutter as I brush a piece of Keith's hair out of his face.


"Your highness, I'm coming in!"

I blink and rub at my eyes as the door opens.

"I brought-"

I sit up and yawn as she stares wide eyed.


"I- If this is a bad time I can go."

"You're fine. What is it?"

"Um- from your mother- ah, the Queen."

I go to get out of bed when I realize arms are wrapped around my waist. I look down in surprise before my gaze travels back up to her.


"It's fine! I didn't see anything!"

She shouts frantically."

"I'll go!"

She dashes from my room and I look back down. Keith is lying asleep with him arms wrapped tightly around me.


He doesn't move and I gently try to pry his hands off.


He grumbles and his hand shoots out to grab my wrist.

"Keith, I have to get up. My mother will wonder if I'm not at breakfast."

"I don't care."

"Do you want her coming in and finding out you're here? She'll probably have a heart attack."

"Guess that'll put your suffering to end."


He sighs and rolls over onto his back.

"I don't know if I would rather have your mother or my father. Mental pressure or physical pressure."

I get up and walk over to the basket on my desk.

"It'd be best if neither of us had pressure."

I pick up a simple white and gold card and read it aloud.

"I'm sorry for earlier. I am just worried about what will happen in the future. It is hard to put trust in someone as young as you and wish for the best outcome. As for the Moon kingdom. The King is growing angry with having made no progress in the finding of his heir. Please take caution for I fear he will act out. I hope to see you at breakfast in an hour. Sincerely, your mother."

"How long have I been gone?"

"Three days."

I look over my shoulder at him to see he's guarded.


He doesn't look up so I set the card down and walk over to him. I hook my finger under his chin and force him to look at me.

"I'm here for you which means you need to tell me things."

"I need to go back tonight."



"I can't keep you from your father. You have to go back and I know that. Just- give me a few more hours with you."

He smiles and leans up to kiss me.

"A shower?"

I scoop him up off the bed and start walking.

"A shower it is."

(I'm just going to clarify this.


Sleeping with someone you love is a very big deal where they live.

It will happen. Just not yet.

Also, I say something whenever I talk about my writing. Mainly when I write more heated things, which I'm not very good at so I don't do it often. That saying is, I never write anything below the pants.

So, no graphic future stuff. Yeah.

Just talking about it.

That's all! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!)

Sun Struck (Klance AU)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu