Chapter 10

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I stare quietly out my window when I hear the door open and someone enter.

"Your highness?"



"Have you ever met someone that's just... everything you needed and wanted? Someone who understands the struggles of life almost if not more than you do? Someone so beautiful and perfect that you would risk everything for them?"


"Sorry. That was weird. You don't have to answer."

"Your highness, if I may, is this about the Prince?"

I glance over my shoulder at her before responding.

"What people have said are lies. They believe because they do not know the truth. I met him when we were young. Both of us trying to escape the cages of life. I never thought I would meet someone so kind and understanding."

"You love him?"

I nod and look back out the window.

"I love him more than words can describe."

(A day or two after Keith leaves.

This chapter is... kinda one of my favorites?

I don't know. It's soft but also sad.

I'm the one writing it and I'm just making myself sad.

To be honest, I'm reading this story right along with everyone else.

I plan some big points and plots but then something happens and I'm just so confused at how things got like that. I sit there looking at my computer like, what the fuck happened?

Anyways! Hope you enjoyed!)

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