Chapter 28 (And An Important Message)

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(After a long time I've come to conclusion that I no longer have any inspiration for this series and I'm sorry but this is the last chapter. I will include what would've happened in the epilogue just so you know pretty much how it'll end but otherwise this is the end.

I'm sorry but my writing style has changed a lot and inspiration for this has just fizzled out.

Thank you all for reading, liking and commenting! I really appreciate everything!)

"A party?"


My mother looks at me but I can tell her mind is on my idea.

"I think it would be nice to have people come inside. Maybe get to know them more."

"Lance, this is the kingdom you're talking about. You want everybody to come?"

"I was hoping so."

"People will want to dance with you. They might even try to court you."

"You and I both know the truth. I'll dance with them and do nothing more."

"What about your bonding marks? People might see them."

"Then I'll cover them."

"Lance, it's been so long since anyone's been in the castle aside from the royal family. I don't know if this is a good idea with everything that could go wrong."


She sighs and offers me a defeated look.

"You can have your party. I'll send a messenger out to let the people know."

"Thank you!"

She smiles and nods as I run out the door.


"It's official!"

I cheer while sitting next to Keith on the wall.

"We're having a party!"

He smiles fondly as I lean into him.

"Good. I'm glad."

"So, what'd you do?"

He raises his hands and I frown at the bruising there.

"Training. Hand to hand combat."

I take one of his hands and carefully look it over. There are dark patches where it's obvious someone hit him. Someone who was most definitely his father.

"I'm fine."

I flip his hand over and look at where his knuckles are split and scabbed.

"You don't look fine."

He pulls his hand away and reaches up to touch the side of my face. Our eyes lock; his gaze firm and unwavering.

"I'm fine."

"It doesn't matter how many times you say it."

"I'm saying it for you..."

His voice lowers and his gaze falters as his hand starts to drop.

"But I'm also saying it for me."

I grab his hand and his eyes move back up to me. I don't have to say anything. He already knows.

I barely have to pull before he's moving into my arms. I hold him tightly as he lets out a shuddering breath against my neck. Not a few seconds later I feel a splash of cold as he finally, after so many years, breaks.


I stare down at the sleeping figure next to me and sigh. There's a spark of movement off to my side and when I look I see Kosmo.

"He's okay boy."

I say quietly.

"He just needs a break."

The wolf steps up to me and in a flash he's on the bed. He yips before curling up next to me.

"We need a vacation."

I mutter before my thoughts are interrupted by the click of my door. My mother steps in and the look on her face is probably the softest I've ever seen.

"How is he?"

"He's been asleep for awhile."

She nods.

"I'll send breakfast up in the morning."

"Thank you."

I reply as she leaves. When she's gone Kosmo yips and my attention moves back to him.

"What is it boy?"

He jumps onto the bed and crawls over onto my lap. I stroke his head and he pushes up into my hand. His fur is incredibly soft and he's already much bigger than what he was when Keith first brought him here. I hear another noise off to the side and look to see Hotaru staring at me as if offended that I would give Kosmo attention and not him.

"Hey, in my defense he came to me."

Kosmo jumps down and sniffs at Hotaru. The growing stag sniffs at him in return before licking the top of Kosmos head. His markings glow blue and he rubs against Kosmo. In response to this Kosmo shows off his magical abilities as his fur sparks and his eyes glow. They two chosen ones proceed to run around the room playfully jumping at each other.

"Good to know you two like each other."

I comment before turning back to Keith. He sleeps quietly and I sigh as I admire his face.


I whisper.

"We're so close."


As the end or epilogue type thing there will be a section of each year as their daughter (Anna) grows until she becomes queen over the combined kingdom at nineteen.

-Lance walks in to Keith and Anna passed out on a table while studying.

-Anna goes missing and they panic. They find her on the wall watching the sunset.

(This is all I have. Again, I'm so sorry but I just don't have any inspiration.

Thank you again for following this story!)

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