Chapter 3

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"You must be proper! You cannot walk around barefoot for it will be a disgrace to the family name if anyone were to ever see you!"

Lance mimics his mother.

"Get dressed right now boy! You are foolish to think you will get anywhere if you do not go to class!"

He rolls his eyes before plopping down next to me.

"Is it bad to want to be normal for at least two seconds?"

I nod and look down at my hands. They're covered in scars, bruises, and blisters. Normal. What a nice change that would be.


Lance says softly. I follow his movements as he takes my hands into his own.

"These aren't your fault."

"I know. They're just-"


He questions.


"Keith, nothing about you is ugly."

I look away when I feel warm lips press against my palm.

"You're beautiful."

When I still refuse to meet his gaze he moves up on my arm and places another kiss there.

"You know. Someday I'm going to kiss every scar you have. Every last one of them."

"I highly doubt that. There are more than you think."

"I have an eternity to do it."

He says before releasing my arm and standing.

"I have to go. See you tomorrow Fengári."

(Authors Note: Fengári is Moon in Greek. Lance has learned Greek and Keith has learned Dutch. They will call each other Sun and Moon occasionally in the languages they've learned.)

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