Chapter 20

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(I'm just your average animal loving girl who has the need to add at least one animal to every one of her stories! I love when they find their chosen ones.)

"Close your eyes. Feel it. Wipe everything away and let your soul connect."

It grows silent as I listen.

I open my eyes and find myself looking into a forest.

It's dark and the only light is from the stars shining above.

"Be at peace with yourself and your chosen one will come to find you."

Quietly, barely audible, I hear movement.

The soft sound of paws hitting dirt.

Running with quick precision.

Getting closer.

I brace myself as the sound of running paws grows closer.

There's a lone howl and the bushes rustle in warning.

In seconds a large wolf launches from the forest and straight at me.

I close my eyes and let the beast crash into me easily.

Everything goes dark.


"Rest and let the feeling take you."

I feel myself relax at the soothing voice of my instructor.

"Stay still and wait for your chosen one. They will find you."

I open my eyes when I hear the sound of birds chirping.

I look around to see I'm by a small pond.

I watch the water ripple as fish swim beneath the clear surface.

I look up when I hear rustling and I watch in awe as a beautiful stag enters the clearing.

His horns stand tall and he has unique blue markings that stand out starkly against his peach coat.

He blinks at me with dark chocolate brown eyes and takes one more elegant step in my direction.

I hold my breath as he reaches out his neck and his ears twitch forwards to listen.

He takes a few more hesitant steps towards me and I hold out my hand.

He sniffs as me before closing his eyes and pushing up into my hand.

Everything goes dark.


    I open my eyes and look down. A wolf pup the size of a small dog blinks up at me and my instructor nods.

"A wolf gifted by the stars. A loyal companion who will stick by your side. He will grow to be taller than you and much more powerful. His bite will break bones. The King will be happy."

With that he walks away, leaving me to stare down at the pup as he gnaws on my fingers.


I look up at the sound of clapping to see my mother smiling.

"You found your chosen one."

I look down to see a baby deer laying silently in my arms. He blinks at me but doesn't move.

"When I saw him he was much older."

"That's how they connect. They greet you when they are old enough and once you've imprinted they follow you back to this world reborn to start a life by your side as your chosen one."


I move so I can reach out with my hand. He sniffs at it and waits. I run my hand over the soft baby fur and watch as his markings flicker a dim blue.

"He's cute."

"What will you name him?"

"Hm. How about... Hotaru."

(Don't really have a reason for picking that name. Just kinda liked it.)

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