Chapter 26

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(Going home after the engagement!)

The second I step into the room I hear my mother laugh.

"You look love struck."

I turn to her as she stands. When she sees my face her smile disappears.

"You've been crying."

She says while walking over. She grabs my face and looks me over.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

I nod and push her away.

"I never thought..."

I whisper.

"That I would find someone who completed me."

Her eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Lance, what's going on?"

"I love him. I'm going to spend the rest of my life loving him."

"So you are happy?"

I smile up at her and nod.

"I'm so happy."


"Keith, get in here."

At my father's voice I look up. Great. I walk towards the lounge to see my father sprawled across a couch. There's a woman next to him who glares at me coldly.

"What do you need?"

"We're going to town tomorrow. I need you to be ready to go when I say."

"What are we doing?"

"Showing our people who their next ruler is."

His smile is deadly and the woman laughs.

"Got it."

I growl.

(Neither parent knows yet.

The woman with Keith's father is basically just someone he's sleeping with.)

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