Chapter 13

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The second we arrive I'm rushed out and I stand next to my mother as we wait. She taps her foot impatiently and we watch as a dark carriage pulls up on the other side. I watch with baited breath as the carriage opens to reveal a tall man in black clothes. He glares at me before turning and reaching into the carriage. I have to hold myself back as he throws Keith to the ground. Even my mother flinches slightly at the force of his actions.

"So, my ungrateful son went missing for a few days. I've been wondering where he went but he's refused to tell me."

Keith stands slowly and winces.

"What does that have to do with me?"

I ask. His eyes flash dangerously and even Keith gives me a warning look.

"It has to do with you because I had a servant of mine find something when cleaning the castle. A necklace with a blue stone in the middle. A stone identical to the one right there in the center of your crown."


"What do you mean, and?"

"You think that because he has a necklace that resembles the stone on my crown that he came to just hang out with me? If he had my mother would know."

He takes a step forwards and Keith's hand shoots out to stop him.

"This has nothing to do with him. The necklace was silver with a moon. The stone was a coincidence."

"That's the stupidest thing-"

"I think this little interaction has answered your question."

My mother finally says while glaring at him sternly.

"They obviously don't know each other and I don't like my time being wasted. I think we'll be going now."

She turns away and I follow her without looking back. We sit in the carriage quietly before she finally speaks up.

"He is a cruel man."

I look up and her eyes meet mine.

"He works that boy too hard."

"Why does it matter to you?"

"Because I saw how much you wanted to act. The look in your eyes and the way you stood."

"I'm weak. I know."

She shakes her head and grabs my hands.

"It means you care. You will be a great ruler if you care for your people and you will."

She let's go and brushes my hair out of my face.

"I saw. When you asked me about love I thought you meant you were caught up on someone in our kingdom. I know now I was wrong."

"Are you mad? Our kingdoms are separated for a reason."

"You know that reason isn't valid."

She nudges me with her hand.

"I want you to be happy. I believe in unity and with the way you look at that boy, I believe you can achieve that. Be careful of his father though. The King is cruel."

"I know."

"How long have you known him?"

"Uh, since I was ten."

"That's a long time. When did you realize you felt things for him?"

"Why do you want to know so much about it?"

"Because I am your mother and I need to know things. Besides, romantic gossip is something I can't miss out on. That and I want to have a better relationship with you. I've always known you were ready to take over rule but I was scared. That's why I pushed and I'm sorry. So...?"

"Well, I always kinda liked him. He was different and I could get away. Being with him was the one relief I got throughout the day. I think I was fourteen when the confessions came out. I always thought he was beautiful but every new scar he got he would become more held back from me. He thought and still thinks they're ugly. So, he got one on his hand. He hated it more than the rest for some reason and didn't want to talk to me. I wanted to see him laugh or at least smile. So uh, I kissed it."

My mother chuckles softly and I smile at the memory.

"His entire face lit up bright red so I continued to kiss his other scars. I did it until he laughed and by then I was practically on top of him as he was laughing. I just kinda froze and we stared at each other for a few seconds before he told me that I was the best thing that ever happened to him. Then he whispered that he loved me and I just kinda kissed him. Since then it's been kind of a blur."

"When do you meet up?"

"It's on the wall while the sun is setting. The view is magnificent and it's when his father is busy so he can get away."

"That sounds wonderful. I'm happy for you."

"Do you think he'll be there now?"

"The moon is already up but I'm sure his father will be in a mood. Go."

I look out the window to see we're pulling up to the castle.



The second I'm up on the wall I run at him. He grunts in surprise as I ram into him and we almost fall over.

"I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love y-"

He cuts me off by kissing me harshly. When he pulls back I blink in surprise.

"I missed you so much."

He whispers while looking into my eyes. I can't seem to respond to the look he's giving me. He looks lost, broken, hurt, and alone. So so alone.

Instead I grab his hand and place a gentle kiss on his still scabbed palm before moving up his arm and kissing every single scar I can find. When I finish with that arm I move to his other one. We stand there in silence as I move and once I finish with his second arm I look at him.

"Show me."

I whisper softly. He takes a shaky breath before turning and taking off his top to reveal dark red lashes searing his back. They look wrong against the paleness of his skin and the sight makes me sick. I step forwards and touch one of the scars gently. He flinches slightly but otherwise stays still as I trace the mark.

"I'm sorry."

He turns to look at me and shakes his head.

"You didn't do anything. You have no need to be sorry."

He grabs my hands and kisses them.

"Please don't blame yourself."



He says angrily.

"I knew this would happen. I knew how my father would react to my home coming. This is in no way your fault so I don't want you to blame yourself. I came to you and you helped me. You always help me."

He let's go of my hands and grabs my face.

"You are the love of my life and you could never do anything to hurt me. Got that?"

I nod and he pulls me into his chest.

"You're the love of my life too."

I whisper.

(I couldn't keep Lance's mother a bad person.

She's now supportive and happy for her son.

Keith's dad on the other hand...)

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