Chapter 2

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I scramble up to the ledge and onto the wall to wait. It's unusual for me to like interacting with people but for some reason the pretty boy who glows golden draws my attention in. He's so bright and it almost hurts to look at him. Where I live everything is dark and there's never any light. It's nice to have someone so bright and warm for once.

"Aw, are you waiting for me?"

At the sound of his voice I tilt my head back to watch as he crawls over onto the wall beside me.

"I'm just sitting here."

He rolls his eyes and nudges me. The contact leaves a spark of warmth behind and I find myself wanting more.

"Sorry for taking so long. My mother was talking to me and I had to try and sneak away."

"It's fine. Besides, you're just in time."

We both look up at the sky as hues of pink and orange color the world around us. There's a low breeze and it sends a shudder through me. I turn my attention to him and I'm startled at what I find. His head is tilted back and his eyes are closed as the breeze lifts his brown hair and makes his golden clothes flutter around him. The light shines just right and it shows the splatter of freckles scattered across his nose and cheekbones. There's a small smile on his face and he sighs before opening and turning his ocean blue eyes on me.

"I love it up here. It's so peaceful."

All I can do is nod helplessly at the other boy.

(Authors Note: This is the last chapter before they're older! I might post chapter 3 on Friday as well!)

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