Chpt 4 A toad, a snake and a slut...I mean slug

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I stared at the three sanins in front of me. I would have been fangirling on all of them if not for the incident that just occurred.

Flashback to about 30minutes ago

I was currently laying on a branch reading a book about taijutsu. I wanted to know all the statistics because I was gonna create my own one soon. I was thinking of calling it 'cheap trap, fast attack'.

Cheap trap consists of two methods. sly fox and dancing hyena

Sly fox consists of two. The square dance and surprise box

The square dance: creates a pattern that an opponent can easily learn but not too easily.
Symptoms: can easily dodge attacks
Facial expression: confidence

Surprise box: changes the pattern unexpectedly and gives off random kicks and Punchs in an irregular yet regular pattern
Symptoms: Can't dodge easily
Facial expression : Shocked and stressed

Dancing hyena consists of two. The laughing monkey and mocking parrot

Laughing monkey: shows off expressions like smiles and stifled laughs
Symptoms : strikes with force
Facial expression: anger

Mocking parrot: Ridicules the person, shows disappointment yet mockery. Speaks casually as if this is a walk in the park
Symptoms: makes funny mistakes
Facial expression: hatred, anger, agitation, irritation

Fast attack: consists of punching kangaroo and thinking nerd

Out she came in... Naruto *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now