Chpt 15 And that's when...

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Yay!! Finally done with exams. Here's another chapter.

"No! I want a real mission. Believe it!" Naruto yelled. We had just finished capturing the lost cat Tora. "Hn. I agree." Sasuke said. I didn't say anything. After all what could I say? I was so happy with how things were going that I hadn't planned on a solution to prevent Haku and Zabuza from dying.

I sighed and massaged my temples. Barbara usually always did the thinking for me back on earth. Though I was good at forming escape plans, it didn't mean I knew what to do after I got caught. There was so much to do with so little time. I smacked my head when I realised I hadn't visited Itachi in the longest of years. There was also Konan and Nagato.

But with the resent chunin exams coming up after this incident. I'd barely have any time at all. It was all too much to bare...

"Rin!" I was startled when Iruka called me. I stared blankly at him. "You weren't listening to anything were you." He said and deadpanned. I chuckled nervously. "Do you want a brief on the mission?" I kindly shook my head and poofed away. Time to pack.

"Father." I greeted and bowed. I had my backpack on and was ready to go. "I heard you got a c rank mission. That soon too." He said. I could see the proudness radiating off him. "Of course." I replied. Hiashi nodded and walked up to me. "Don't disappoint me." He said. "I won't father." He gave me an invisible smile and slowly patted my head.

My eyes sparkled. Hiashi was a man of few words. To have such affection showed towards you from him was a blessing. "I won't father." I said. He nodded and walked away. On my way out I saw Hinata. She looked beaten up. "Hinata." I called and ran up to her.

She stared at me. "I just wanted to tell you I would be leaving on a c rank mission and won't be here for some weeks." I said calmly. She stared. Like really deep you know, as if trying to see the depths of my soul. It was kinda creepy. "Do whatever you want. I don't care." She snapped and walked away. I blinked. What was wrong with her?

I shrugged it off and roomed my way through the village to the gates. Sasuke was there already along with Naruto and Tazuna. I knew Kakashi was in a tree somewhat but hell no I was gonna point that out. He was late, and had to be punished. I ignored every one as I begun to think of the best punishment to give. A sadistic smile crossed my face as I thought of the worst possible one. Fuufuufuu~ my thoughts however were interrupted.

"Ha. The day you become hokage, I'll sprout wings and fly." Tazuna mocked. "Why you..!"  I sighed and increased my pace to meet up with Sasuke, leaving the yelling duo behind. Hahhhh, it was now quite. Now I could travel back to my thoughts. Where was i ? Right, Kakashi's punishment. Muahaahahahha~ "Rin?"

I inwardly cried. Why did they always have to interrupt me? Wuaaaaaaaaaaa!😭😭😭😭😭😭

Rin: oh please. I would never act like that. 🙍🙍🙍🙍🙍

Me: shut up. I'm your creator. I can do with you whatever I please. Now back to the story.

I miserably turned my head to meet the Uchiha's concerned face. "Are you alright? Back at the tower you weren't paying attention." He said. Awww. Sasuke's worried about me? Kyaaa!
"I'm okay Sasuke." I answered. "Hn. So who's the unlucky victim." He asked again. Busted.... Well, it didn't make any difference if I told him.

Out she came in... Naruto *Discontinued*Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt