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Sakura walked through the halls of Konaha High school. It was fun to think she might be able to pass her texting friend in the hallway.
A commotion could be heard up ahead, Sakura ducked her head around a corner.
Sasuke Uchiha, and his mob of fangirls. Sakura had a hard time pushing through the crowd. Until one of the girls pushed her to the ground. A tick mark grew on her head, this was clearly a deliberate offense.

Sakura decided to go with her better judgment and walk away. But that wasn't it for her. The girl followed her down the east wing where she was walking.

"Stop following me" She hissed

"Sadie will not stop following you" The girl now identified as Sadie ran after her.
Sakura noted that she was slow and referred to herself in the third person.

Shoot she remembered her class was on the West wing. She had already wasted enough time here, luckily for her she was a fast runner. All she needed to get through was the Uchiha mob. She took a sprinting start, Sadie ran after her too. She was approaching the Uchiha mob, she saw one of the short girls who was just over four foot.

Sakura placed her right foot hard into the ground and jumped up and over her, grabbing the attention of the Uchiha in the middle of the crowd. Sadie observed this, and decided that she too would plan to show off to her beloved Sasuke.

Sadie did as Sakura, placed her right foot hard into the ground. She jumped and for a moment thought she could fly. Instead she ended up tackling the girl too the ground.

~#~#~#~#~#~ Later

Sakura : 👋

Sent 7:18 pm

Sakura: I had so much homework, I got home at four and and did homework up until 6:40, then I listened to Queen and did yoga up until now!

Tomato: So you like Queen, me too

Sakura: Shut up, I have a story to tell you!!!

Tomato: Oh brother

Sakura: So there's this guy at my school named Sasuke, I'm sure you know him.

Tomato: I've heard of him

Sakura: Well he has all these fangirls, and they are so annoying.

Tomato: That must be shitty

Sakura: They quite literally are shit, they are all clogging the hallway!

Seen 7:20 pm

Sakura: Anyways, this girl named Sadie I think, pushed me over.


Sakura: Then I remembered that I had a class in the West wing and not East. I had to literally JUMP over this really short chick to get past Sasukes crowd.

Sakura: I knew if I was late I'd run into Kakashi ❤️ in the halls.


Tomato: That's just mean, I'm way hotter than he is

Sakura: The only one hotter than Kakashi is Kiba, Naruto, and Sasuke

Sakura: Kiba is kinda cute actually

Tomato: I think you are in my class

Sakura: Realllllly, what grade you in???

Tomato: Junior

Sakura: Ahhhh me too!!!

Sakura: What's you're name!

Tomato: I'm not telling you

Sakura: Ughhh 💦 💦

Tomato: 💦 💦?

Sakura: I like them mysterious

Sakura: That's one big KINK

Sakura: So you a boy or a girl or something in between?

Tomato: the first option

Sakura: You're a boy, I would bone you

Tomato: From what I've heard, I think you are a girl. So you can't really 'bone'

Sakura: And he is smart...

Sakura: KINK

Seen 7:31 pm

Tomato: By chance, what are all your kinks


Sakura: In return I shall tell you one kink...

Sakura: When people put their jacket over their shoulder.

Tomato: That's like a normal thing.

Tomato: Do you get horny in public

Sakura: It's a problem 😉

Tomato: That's awful

Sakura: You know you love me Bby

Seen 7:34 pm

Sakura: 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

Sakura: Pleaaaase

Sakura: Hello I need friends

Tomato: Calm yourself, I'm coming

Sakura: I'm cumming too

Tomato : You spelled coming wrong

Sakura: Did I?

Sakura: 😉😉😉😉😉


Sakura, enjoyed the mystery of not knowing who the person is. Looks or social status wouldn't be able to affect her if they didn't know each other. She was perfectly content with the whole idea of this. She didn't have a massive amount of pressure on her shoulders to act 'normal'.

~ Peace 🌚🐾

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