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Ino: I thought I should tell you guys that Sai and I are back together!!

Kiba deleted Sasuke from the chat

Kiba deleted Sakura from the chat

Ino: Why did u do that?

Kiba: So they wouldn't see

Hinata: See what?

Hinata: Also congrats Ino and Sai

Shikamaru: Good idea Kiba

Naruto: I'm so confused

Temari: Ohhh are we trying to get Sakura and Sasuke together now

Naruto: You guys changed plans really quickly

Kiba: We has it as a backup idea

Hinata: So you and Shikamaru really just wanted to get someone together

Naruto: lel

Naruto: I bet they write fanfic

Shikamaru: You got a problem with that bubs

Sai: I am happy

Temari: Sai feels genuine emotions?

Naruto: Ik it's creepy

Ino: You shut up whiskers

Hinata: ...

Kiba: What about me!!

Temari: What about you?

Hinata: He means him and Tamati

Kiba: I'll kill all of you

Hinata: TAMAKI!! I'm sorry

Naruto: If u kill Hina, I'll murder you in cold blood

Shikamaru: Awww

Temari: I have a weird boyfriend

Sai: Yes, you do

Temari: I'll kill you after I watch Naruto kill Kiba

Sai: You couldn't kill me

Temari: yeah? Bet

Shikamaru: What do we do for SasuSaku

Hinata: I say we continue with the plan, but...

Kiba: But?

Hinata: But we force them to do even more things, and eventually it will become too much. And they will end up confessing to each other

Shikamaru: I like that but we only have a six days to do that. We already wasted today

Hinata: I can work with that... Six days of intense pressure, I'd love to

Naruto: I have a smart girlfriend

Sorry guys I won't be updating too much, I'm going to Iceland and Paris

But I'll try to write on the plain ride!!

~ Peace 🌚🐾

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