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Ladies and gentlemen please keep your arms in side the vehicle at all times while the SasuSaku is in motion. Also, fasten your seatbelts, it's gonna be a wild ride.

Oh my


What on earth is happening to me?


First period was the most awkward. Sasuke and I sat next too each other. Since Kakashi is always late we had even more time together. It's funny how we both said we were ready, yet here we are. When Kakashi finally came in he looked, different. It started raining outside soon after we got to school, but since he's late he had too walk through the rain. His hair was all wet and went in all different directions. This isn't really a relevant detail, I just needed something to take my mind off of Sasuke.

o o o o o o o o o

Lunch was even worse. Everyone at our table was watching us in complete stillness. The soundlessness of the group is unbearable. All of our friends were looking at us expectantly, no words being exchanged. I turned to Sasuke, to look for some sort of comfort or advice. Sadly, he was giving me that same look.
Something had to be done. There was no point in going on this way. I'm not sure what it was, wether it was panic, longing, nervousness, or a mix of all three. I did something.

Something wrong...

I kissed his cheek. Not just people from our table, but everyone in cafeteria, snapped there heads and looked back. And here I thought that was a small gesture. My actions were backed up with more silence, then the whole room erupted in whispers and gasps. They were probably wondering how an unpopular girl like me, got the cafeteria king.
I would be wondering the same thing, but he's not actually mine. So I suppose there isn't anything to think about.

Sai and Ino even had smirks on their faces, which is weird considering there recent accident. Through all of the thoughts that raced through my head, my mind went back to one thing. And one thing only. Sasuke.

Lunch was over, now we had a thirty minute study hall. Shikamaru sat up quickly and stormed over to Sasuke and I. Then he dragged up by the wrist out into a secluded hallway.

Is this what is known as the Nara experience? I feel bad for Temari.

"What was that!" Shikamaru yelled angrily at us.

"What do you mean?" I asked honestly.

What did he mean. I did what he said, or at least I tried. Sasuke didn't do anything back. That's not my fault. Though a part of me really wishes that he did. I'm acting insane again, me, get a guy like him. No wonder everyone was so surprised when they thought we were together.

"When I said kissing, I didn't mean something so lame and boring I mean like." Shikamaru said, clearly upset.

He couldn't figure out how to use words he was so angry, and I hate seeing my friends upset. Little did (Sakura) know that Shikamaru had other intentions.

"You! Come here," He commanded one of the sophomores walking by. The sophomore did as told in order to maintain balance between the sophomores and the juniors, "and kiss her."

This certain sophomore, was a special guy. His name was none other than Rock Lee. Before I had anytime to react, Lee mechanically grabbed my hands. It seemed so robotic, if that makes sense. Lee pulled me in, and I would've slapped him away if I weren't so shocked.
It all happened in a moment


It all happened in a moment. But when I saw him take her hands, that triggered something deep inside of me. As much as I like Lee, I love Sakura more. As Lee inched towards her face, I quickly swooped in and shouldered Lee out of the way. And in I went.
I could've stopped there, but I didn't. It may not have been the perfect moment. But it was a moment. She probably thought that this was all acting. I can assure you, this is real for me.

This could be my only chance to kiss Sakura. The only one I'll ever get. That hurt me a lot, but I sure as hell wasn't going to waste it. I cupped Sakuras cheek and leaned in slowly.

That was it.

I did it.

I kissed her.

The weirdest part was,

She kissed back.


The End

Signing off, for the last time

~ Peace 🐾 🌚

Jk lol


The kiss was so amazing. I can't think of any other words to describe it. Magical maybe? It was that too. It was the kind of thing you wished you could do every single day. Did she kiss back just for acting, I don't know. But it felt real, it felt true, it felt just AMAZING.
I pulled back and looked deep into her captivating green eyes, "Sasuke."

Those same eyes hazed my own, "Hnn?"

"I don't know about you, but that was, I mean, it was... a... that-" She sputtered out a very incoherent stream of words.

Had I taken it to far? I knew I'd mess up somehow.

"I wasn't just pretending..."

~ Peace 🌚🐾

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