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No I don't!

I do, don't I...

First period seemed as if it was over before it even began. I sit next to Sasuke in fifth period, and thats it. So for the rest of the day I can hopefully avoid him. I'm so dead, I mean really. Sasuke is my friend, thats it. With all of these rumors going around that Sasuke, most people know that they are fake, and choose to spread them anyway! I've only known Sasuke's identity for a week now, and he has sat next to me every single day, and today he wanted to introduce me too his friends. I think I'll have to eat outside today, because I am absolutely not sitting with him after that epiphany.

I took my lunch box and held onto it tightly, it felt as if people were looking at me. Before, I could handle all of the stares, now it's different.

This only made me walk faster and that got me even more looks. Then the familiar feeling of anxiety rolled in, and I started to run. This caused many more glances in my direction.

Why am I like this?


I got to the outside campus after some minutes and unpacked my lunch. When it came to lunch, I ate really basic meals. I had a ham and cheese sandwich, a juice box, and some cut up strawberries. Like I said, it was pretty boring. You would think the lunch belonged to a four year old.

I guess I'm mentally a four year old, because I just randomly developed a crush on my best friend. These things tend to blow over, so I'll just wait this out.

I started eating my lunch, and I observed the ducks that were wandering near where I was eating. There was this one strange duck, it was all black and unusually fluffy. No, stop. Duck butt. Why!?

The duck waffles over to me and ate my strawberries, literally all of them. It reminds me of Sasuke and his tomatoes. Why has the universe done this, stupid black duck.

I swatted at the duck, and it didn't even move, the duck just glared at me and sighed. Stupid, stupid, stupid duck.

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