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"Sasuke, I wasn't acting." She said as her green eyes bore into mine.

My mind couldn't begin to process what was happening. Right here, right now, in the school hallway. I can't seem to keep my head on straight anymore, can I? My only response was to kiss her again. As I leaned in she put a finger of my mouth and silently whispered, "Sasuke."

"Yes." I replied breathlessly while gazing at a breathtaking sight.

I always knew she was beautiful, but up close she really was amazing. She always finds the best way to put me at a loss for words. "I can't do this anymore, I need to let you know that I do love you."

"Me too." I said, still caught entirely up in the moment.
Time moved in frames, like reading a comic book. One moment she was up close, the next she was farther away. I won't let that happen. I won't let the same thing happen to Sakura that happened to all my past friendships. It seems like I have her in my arms, but really I have her in my heart. Where my true intentions lay. But like many other presences in my life. They slip through my fingers and fall down the cracks of life and it's tumultuous turns.

She laughed and some of her exquisite pink hair fell onto her face. I reflexively tucked the loose strands behind her ear, "You love yourself too?"

She bought have been laughing but I could tell she was hurt deep inside. She really is good at concealing her emotions, although she did just say she loved me. Her comment made me freeze up, I meant to say that I loved her too. "S-Saku, I mean I love you too. I don't you what you're gonna do with that information because I know you don't like the rumors of us dating but... I do really like you."

That same smile that I fell in love with graced her face as she took a tiny step towards me, "I say that we really give them something to talk about."

The cliche panned our in the best possible way that it could. I couldn't seem to process that Sakura loved me too. Not even in my best dream would that happen. Sakura loves me... Why?
Someone as amazing as her likes someone like me. I have a hard time believing that. I was tempted to pinch myself to see if I was dreaming. But if I punched myself, I knew the dream would end.
Sakura, more confidently this time, pulled me in by the collar of my shirt and placed another kiss on my still face. It's didn't take long for my body to react the right way and kiss her back again. A blush was undoubtedly all over my face, as we errr... kissed.

Her words repeated over and over again in my head,

'I say we really give them something to talk about.'

Does this mean we are dating or, "Does this mean that you and me are..." I trailed off hoping she'd get the gist of it.

Sakura hand her fingers delicately touching her lips with a starstruck expression painted on her face. Her green eyes scanned mine in a loving calculating look. It seems like a loving look like that wouldn't exist, but it did. I found all sorts of new things with Sakura, it doesn't surprise me that she was the gateway to so many emotions I've never felt before.

My heart has never skipped a beat when I set my eyes on someone like it does with Sakura. She introduced me to being understood. She showed me what it was like to speak with your eyes and not your lips. This, in fact, was one of those moments. When something isn't said, but is sung in about a million ways.

I knew her answer, I knew what that loving look meant. She and I were dating. She and I... Now why is that so hard to believe. I took her hand and we walked down the narrow hallway where my life changed forever. We left Shikamaru and Lee behind in our dust. I thought Uchihas couldn't feel this love thing.
Her face distorts the time for me, meaning, it feels like I've known her my whole life. I have this amazing connection with her that is nauseating at the same time. My heart can skip only so many beats y'know. The nauseating part is that I get butterflies in my stomach and I can't seem to control my actions.
The amazing connection is, well, everything. Words without speaking, the small talks, heart to hearts, I love it, all of it... But when it comes down to it, I love her.

All that from a Wrong Number

~ Peace 🌚🐾

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