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Oh no

Is it Monday already

Is it 12:30 am already

Sakura knew what was coming, she didn't like it one bit. For some reason, she didn't know why. She had a fear of trains, well not all trains, just that one. The train station right behind her house, wasn't the best place to be. People who got off at that stop were usually criminals or drunks. She feared people would come to get her, her house was only two houses away from the station. She didn't live in the best neighborhood, she didn't have any parents with her to protect her.

Far away is anyone who can console her. Far away is anyone who can help her. She heard the horn of the train pulling in, and the bright headlights were visible from her house. The shone through the windows, even though her blinds were closed.
She didn't know how she got this irrational fear, of one specific train station. The vibrating roar of the breaks could be felt in her house, the large swirl of voices and slurs mixed together was audible too.

Sakura braced herself for the storm. She held herself in a ball on the bed, she was lightly crying. Her whimpers could not be heard over the train station ruckus.

She tried to distract herself, but couldn't seem to make headway. She pulled out her phone and for some reason, went to messages. Before she knew it she was typing her texting friend, by default. Her hands were now on autopilot.

Sakura: Hi

Tomato : Hello?

Sakura: I need to talk to you

Tomato : That doesn't sound good

Sakura: I'm kinda scared

Tomato: It's late, I'm going to bed

Sakura: Wait

Tomato: Yes?

Sakura: Just can you talk to me

Sakura: Hello? Please, seriously

Tomato: Okay fine I'll stay

Sakura: Thanks

Tomato: What has you so upset?

Sakura: I don't really want to talk about it

Tomato: Fair, so umm... how did the chicken cross the road?

Sakura: Don't you mean why?

Tomato: Sorry

Tomato: Why did the chicken cross the road

Sakura: Idk

Tomato: Use your imagination

Sakura: I can't!

Tomato: Okay, how about a story

Sakura: I would like that

Tomato: So in my house there is a room, it has a couch, a piano, a couple lamps, and this chair in the corner.

Seen 12:35 am

Tomato: And I always sit on the couch and play piano, but I never sit in the chair.

Sakura: What does the chair look like?


Tomato: So today, after I got done cleaning

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Tomato: So today, after I got done cleaning. I went to play piano, and sit on the couch and check my insta. And I forgot that the chair even existed.

Tomato: This made the chair sad, but it couldn't do anything, so it stayed sad. The end

Sakura: WHAT! That's not the end!

Tomato: You're right its not the end

Tomato: An annoying girl woke me up, and I went downstairs

Sakura: And?

Tomato: And I went to the room

Sakura: Mhm

Tomato: Then I sat in the chair, the end

Sakura: 👏 👏 👏

Sakura: Great story

Tomato: Now will you tell me why you are so upset?

Sakura: You can't make fun of me

Tomato: I won't

Sakura: So I'm afraid of this one train station that is near my house, that has a train come at 12:30am on Monday, and 1:00 pm on Tuesday. Whenever I hear its whistle, I lose it.

Tomato: That's not good

Sakura: No duh

Sakura: TBH I'm surprised you didn't make fun of me

Tomato: I said I wouldn't

Sakura: Well umm... bye?

Tomato: Gn


Sakura was able to go too sleep, happily. Sasuke on the other hand stayed up, he was confused. He wouldn't do that for anyone else, except for maybe Naruto or Itachi. But that is different...

~ Peace 🌚🐾

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