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Still at party-

Sakura: Sasuuuukkkkkeeee

Sakura: Where are you?

Sasuke: Away

Sakura: Well come back

Sasuke: Ok where are you

Sakura: I'm by the water bowl

Sasuke: There is no water

Sakura: Hahhaahhaha yeah there is Im drinking it RIGHT NOW

Sasuke: Fucking shit

Sasuke: Stop drinking that, it's not water

Sasuke: I'll be right there don't move

Sakura: Lol I'm going to

Sakura: Just because you told me not to

Sasuke: I'm serious don't move

Sakura: Okay

Sasuke: Good

Sakura: I already moved anyway

Sakura: Teeheeeee

Sasuke: Tell me where you are

Sakura: Nooooo

Sasuke: Sakura, you better tell me where you are

Sakura: No I'm getting over you and on someone else

Sasuke: Upstairs?

Sakura: Mmmm look at this cutie I found

Sakura opened camera...



Sakura: Kk BYESEEE

Sasuke: Sakura

Sasuke: Sakura come back


Sasuke was mad, and worried. Sakura was too innocent for this party, she though that vodka was water.

And now just like he thought, some guy was all over her. That tore him up inside. He ran to the party host and asked them what took the picture was taken.


Now he was running at full speed to the guest bedroom, with only one person on his mind.


He barged in and grabbed the guy (we will call him Jeffery) by the collar.

"You motherfucker what are you doing!" Sasuke yelled

"Dude chill out." Jeffery warned

Sasuke took a deep breath, "What?"

"I knew she was drunk, I didn't do anything. Calm your tits and take your sister home." Jeffery said, handing Sakura over.

Sakura found the situation very funny. She was doubled over in laughter.

Sasuke took Sakura and firmly grabbed her wrist so she wouldn't run away.

Jeffery explained "Yeah, I know you don't have a girlfriend. So that must be the reason you are so o overprotective."

Sasuke gave him a small "Oh" and left.

-/ In ThE cAr

"Sakura I'm going to take you home okay?" Sasuke asked even though he would do it anyway.

Sakura giggled and fell off the seat in the back. "Kay!"

Sasuke was driving and looked in his mirror that showed the back, the rear view mirror on the inside. And had to do a double take, Sakura was trying to climb out of the window but couldn't because Sasuke made her put a seatbelt on.

Sasuke took a turn into a random field of grass. Got out of the car and went to the back.
"Okay I tried to give you room but you clearly need a bit more supervision." Sasuke said with a groan

"No!" Sakura screamed, you would think that she was getting kidnapped, "I don't want to go!"

"C'mon lets just bring you up front." Sasuke told her as he picked her up bridal style and put her in the front.

She later fell asleep and Sasuke was going to leave it up to her parents, but then he remembered how similar he and her were. Sakuras parents were never home, so he would help her to bed instead.

And he didn't mind.

~Peace 🌚🐾

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