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Sasuke was very aware of his watch over Sakura, he knew something had to be up. He was confused and a little worried, not just for himself, but for Sakura as well.

Sakura was being weird, weirder than usual. She couldn't seem to talk to Sasuke like she usually would, and Sasuke had the same problem. But neither one of them wanted to stop talking. It was as if there was this pull between them that didn't make sense.

But they talked, and talked some more. Trying to understand what was happening along the way.


Sakura: I'm bored

Sasuke: Okay

Sakura: Do something

Sasuke: Okay

Sasuke: No thanks

Sakura: Okay

Have you ever had a person you talked to that you didn't know what to say. There was nothing to talk about but you wanted to keep talking to them.

Sasuke: Okay

Sakura: Okay

Sasuke: Okay

Sakura: Okay

Sakura: Lmao I'm bored

Sasuke: Me too

Sasuke: Do you want to come with me to the mall. Everyone else is going

Sakura: Who is everyone else

Sasuke: Ino Sai Shikamaru Naruto Naruto Kiba Tamaki, etc

Sakura: Hinata told me about that

Sasuke: You going, you now you have two invites

Sakura: Hell no

Sasuke: Why, it'll be fun

Sakura: Hanging out with one couple that hates each other and another that aren't even dating, no thanks

Sasuke: Naruto and Hinata are going

Sakura: That's a slap in the face with PDA

Sasuke: I'm going...?

Sakura: It seems like a couple thing so I'll stay out of it

Sakura: But thanks

Sasuke: I gtg to the mall so see ya

Sakura: Byee




Sasuke: Now you have to come

Sakura: No

Sasuke: Please, Karin was heresy! They want me to- nvm

Sasuke: I'm sorry, I never told you the full plan

Sakura: Plan?

Sasuke: It's a long story, but it's also a important, go to the center of the mall at Cinnabon.




Sakura saw the dark haired Uchiha hunched over in a chair. "Sasuke!"

Sasuke whipped his head around wearing a small and discreet smile. "Sakura! Thank Kami you're here!"

"Hey, where's Ino and Sai? And Tamaki and Kiba?" The pinkette questioned

Shikamaru gave her an 'Are you stupid' look. "Calm your pineapple Shika, I never really told her the full plan."

"She's the main part of our plan!" Shikamaru argues back

Sakura laughed nervously as she sat down with the group of, wait who was there?

"Sakura! You missed it, Choji and Karui just left!" Hinata said quietly, she the only one giving me actual information.

Naruto got a sly look on his face "I bet Choji crushes Karui in the sex."

(He says the like thee)

TenTen and Temari both looked at Naruto and rolled their eyes, not because of the sex comment, but rather thee sex comment.

"Hold on, did you just say thee sex." Neji countered

"Well, I ummm, yeah." Naruto deadpanned, looking at Hinata for support.

Sakura found herself having fun, and she hadn't even said anything yet. She liked these people, the people who she once hated. At first she thought they changed, but maybe it was her who changed.

Who or what helped her become the social person she was now?

Could that be, Sasuke?

~Peace 🌚🐾

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