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12:16 pm


Tomato: It's like noon, what are you so excited about?

Sakura: I just got forty dollars

Tomato: Great?

Sakura: Wanna know how

Tomato is typing

Sakura: I actually don't care, I'm going to tell you anyway!

Sakura: So one of Sasukes fan girls, Karin. Said that she wanted me to get Sasukes attention, she said she was gonna do something afterwards I didn't really listen.

Sakura: So now I'm looking around for Sasuke, but I can't find him anywhere

Tomato: Really

Sakura: Do you know where he is?

Tomato: Idk

Sakura: Wait SHUT UP

Tomato: Why

Sakura: I found him

Sakura: Crap he looked at me! SHOOT now he's moving.

Tomato: I thought you didn't want to bother him

Sakura: But now money is in the equation! 🤑🤑


Sakura found Sasuke, she signaled Karin over. As Sasuke was walking away Sakura ran up too him, and pretended to trip. Sakura purposefully dropped her books everywhere, then she gave a discreet thumbs up to Karin.

"Are you okay?" Sasuke wondered in his emo and desolate voice.

"Y-yeah I-I'm fine, sorry S-Sasuke!" Sakura whispered bashfully.

Karin ran into the scene, Sakura intended to stay and see what would go down. But to no avail, Sasuke was gone.
Sakura left too, she wouldn't give Karin a chance to take back her forty dollars.


Sakura: Okay so I pretended to trip over him and drop all of my stuff

Sakura: He just asked if I was okay, and I pulled a real good move

Tomato: Hn?

Sakura: Again, not a word

Tomato: What did you do? Better?

Sakura: Yes actually . So I pretended to be all shy and delicate, I was all like 'S-sorry S-S-Sasuke'

Tomato: Anything else

Sakura: Well I didn't want Karin to take back her forty dollars, so I skrt skrt outta there!

Tomato: You know Sasuke probably didn't like that

Sakura: I kinda feel bad, but it's not like I'm ever gonna talk too him

Tomato: You don't know that

Sakura: I'm beginning to question if you actually go to this school

Sakura: Sasuke Uchiha, cafeteria king

Tomato: Aren't there other people who are popular?

Sakura: Yeah Naruto and Ino are up there too.

Tomato: Do you like him?

Sakura: Idk, he and I used to be good friends, like me and Ino. But after awhile our paths lead us too different people...

Tomato: I'm sorry about that

Sakura: It's fine, I don't think about it too much

Tomato: So who do you hang out with

Sakura: You lol

Tomato: You just stay on your phone all day, that's not good

Sakura: Hey! Once I get some friends or something I won't always stay on my phone!! Also we've known each other for two weeks now!

Tomato: I think you need to open up a bit more to others

Sakura: Yeah, but then they won't like me

Tomato: That's not true

Seen 12:32 pm

Tomato: If you open up people will like you, you can't be so reserved

Sakura: Yeah, Ik... I just don't have many talents or anything interesting about me

Tomato: People will like you, you need confidence.

Sakura: Plus the fact that I ain't that pretty, I act like I'm all that through text, but irl I'm not a good sight

Tomato: I know who you are, you aren't ugly. You are prettier than you give yourself credit for

Sakura: That's actually really nice of you, I mean it doesn't change how I think about myself. But thank you, it means a lot to me

Tomato: You owe me your forty dollars

Sakura: That's a big fat N and O

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