Chapter 2

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I sat in the passenger seat of Rhys's car as he drove me home from the hospital, staring at my broken glasses. Still unable to believe that I'm able to look at the minute cracks in them, in detail, without any sort of visual assistance.

Back at the hospital, when I felt the pain tearing through my skull, I involuntarily ripped the glasses off my head to stop it. Which caused it to subsided immediately.

However, I ripped them off with such force that they hit the floor; bounced all the way to the ceiling and finally coming to rest on the ground, with the lenses shattered. They are now completely useless.

Not that it mattered anymore. As it appears that vampire bites can now cure the genetic deformity I got from my parents that caused me to need glasses to see in the first place.

I went from being almost legally blind to having better than 20/20 vision within a 36 hour nap.

Rhys looked over at me while we were cruising down the highway. He attempted to start a conversation to distract me from the thoughts of all the revelations that kept appearing since the attack. "You know that the vampire that attacked you was caught shortly after." He informed me. That successfully pulled my attention into the present.

Unlike most vampires who made lots of money from selling their healing abilities, Rhys worked in the Vampire Division of the Police Force. Which is why he had all the details pertaining to my attack.

It's only a small division because vampire crime is very low. Occasionally it's needed when disputes break out or violence directed at, or started by, a vampire occurs. They're still basically human and as such, still have a temper.

He still used his ability to heal, but he only helped people that were truly in need of it, regardless of how rich they were.

My attention was pulled back to the present again. "He was found passed out in a ditch not far from where you were found with your blood still fresh on his chin." Rhys continued, "When he woke up, he claimed to have no memory of the past two days. Those that know him backed that up, saying they hadn't seen him."

"He has requested a chance to give you a formal apology. I think he's hoping you won't press charges." he continued "But if you want to press charges then remember that there is nothing he can do to stop you. No matter what he says."

I sat there in silence for a minute trying to absorb the information. "So he conveniently "Doesn't remember snacking on me" and putting me in the damn hospital for a day and a half - I used air quotes to make my point - But he wants to offer an apology so I let him off the hook?" Rhys's smirked at my rhetorical question.

"I'll hear his apology, but I make absolutely no promises that I'm just going to let this slide." I was already kind of looking forward to the confrontation, I decided.

"No doubt you'll be summoned to the police station in a couple of days to give a formal statement and hear what he has to say. You can press charges then if you like." Rhys's said, matter of factly. Sometimes it was handy having a brother in law enforcement with an inside look on police business.

I looked up for the first time during the entire car ride home and realized that we were two streets away from home and all the commotion Mum and my sister, Rose, were going to create.

"Be brave." Rhys said, knowing I hated being the center of attention. "Remember that they're worried about you because they love you."

I nodded. Knowing that he was right but still unable to stop myself from trying to figure out how I was going to get out of all the questions and unnecessary smothering.

Don't get me wrong. I love my family very much. But when I broke my arm in second grade my mother wouldn't give me any breathing room and I liked my personal space and privacy. I'm honestly scared to think what she's going to do now.

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