Chapter 9

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I was standing in the middle of what I could only describe as a circular courtroom, with my jailer Audrey by my side. The Judge, jury and executioner staring at me with eyes very similar to Audrey's.

"My name is Rupert Mayweather." He began. "I am the leader of the vampire hunters here."

"Originally we were going to keep you in that cell until we prepared everything we needed to be able to execute a vampire such as yourself. However, as it turns out, there is something very different about you from every other Original vampire ever recorded in history. As proven by the lack of bodies between here and your cell." If I didn't know any better, he almost sounded... impressed?

"Here we go." I thought as I struggled not to roll my eyes. "He's spewing the same sort of crap that Audrey just gave me an earful of."

"Now that we've managed to establish that you really are 18 years old, and not simply pretending to be 18, I'm going to shed some light on what happened to you."

This got my interest as my focus snapped to the old man. Any information is a good information if it can help explain away this nightmare.

"As Audrey has probably already told you, you are an atavistic

vampire. In other words, the vampire DNA that was stored in your genetic code as overtaken your human DNA when you were conceived, like a virus, until there was no human DNA left." Rupert Said.

"All Original vampires appear to be very human until their coming of age, when their vampire abilities and tendencies awaken. Which is why you thought you were a human girl. You also came of age very early for a vampire. Having your heart ripped out kicked started the event."

"Any questions so far?" Came the question from the gruff man.

"No, I'm just trying to process all this. It's a bit much for one girl." I replied. 'Wait, were you really going to kill me?"

"Well , my girl." Rupert began. "We do exist to stop blood suckers from draining the people we care about dry in their mad efforts to constantly consume blood."

My heart sank. I was going to die anyway after all of this.

"However," Rupert continued, surprising me. As I was resigning myself to my fate. "Despite the fact that you are a vampire, as proven by your eyes, strength and speed. You don't seem to fit any of the other criteria that warrants your execution. Although you are the first Original vampire we've come across since the Originals went into hiding after releasing that damn virus to throw us off their trail."

"So I propose a deal. You help us track down other Originals and agree to our terms of being monitored, helping us find out what you actually are and informing us immediately when you get a blood craving. In return, you can live in the encampment and we will help train you to master your abilities." Rupert said. "How does that sound?"

Well that's a no brainier. Either refuse and be killed, or accept and learn about what I actually am and how to use my body and abilities. Hopefully by doing so I'll never have to deal with a ring of dead bodies again.

"That's easy," I told Rupert, "I want to know what I am as well, oh and staying alive is good for me so it's a win - win, so I accept your offer."

The tension in the room visibly relaxed when I agreed to join the hunters.

Rupert smiled. "Fantastic! Well then, bring in Leah." The last part was said in a loud voice to someone outside.

A door opened and in came Leah, escorted by a girl our age. She had light blue eyes and wispy blond hair. She was also very pale.

Bleeding ShadowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora