Chapter 26

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I somehow managed to get some sleep that night, although I still woke up at 11 am. Not bad considering it was probably 5 am when I finally nodded off. Although I needed to stop getting up so late, it made it hard when I was expected to get up at 6 am for uni come Monday morning.

I listened to the radio as I went through my morning routine of shower and getting ready for the day. I was worried that they were now searching for the culprits of last nights massacre.

Not surprisingly the story came on the radio not long after I switched it on.

'There was an accident at the construction site of the new Balstone mall last night.' The reporter read, surprising me at the use of the word accident. 'A gang was reportedly using the area as a hangout when one of the structures collapsed, killing eleven of them. The police are currently advising the public to steer clear of the site of the incident as they further investigate.'

Wow, I'm guessing it was Alex's parents that have covered up both his involvement in this and the loss of so many drones whom people assume are innocent victims in all of this. Royal vampires sure can be scary.

But it also meant that the cops won't be knocking on our door any time soon. All we had to worry about was the Royals trying to recover their son. If they cared enough to do so, they are Royals after all.

I went downstairs to find Leah and Rose talking quietly, but excitedly between themselves over a stack of mouth watering pancakes.

I greeted them as I entered the room and headed for the pancakes. Rose and Leah stopped talking as I got close but I was too hungry to care.

"I have a favor to ask." Leah said as I got started into my breakfast that I'd smothered in maple syrup.

"What's that?" I replied, although it probably came out more like "Wattt's phaat?" as I was speaking with my mouth full.

"I want you to bite Rose." Leah calmly said.

I stopped my chewing to look at her before rapidly finishing my mouthful to talk properly.

"Are you fucking kidding me? No way am I turning my own sister into an Ethereal child and putting her through this hell!" It was a statement, leaving no room for debate.

"I think you heard what I said wrong." Leah replied still calm. "I asked you to bite her, not inject your blood into her and turn her into one of your children. Although I wonder what would happen if I did that as one of your children?"

I looked bewilderedly at Leah, like she'd lost her mind. Before turning to Rose.

"Why in your right mind would you want me to put my fangs into you?" I asked of my sister. "You know that you will never be a food source to me and it'd probably be less painful to stab yourself twice with a screwdriver. So why?"

"Because I believe in this theory Leah has about your fangs." Rose said. I knew that Leah discovered a virus living on my fangs that could heal, but I failed to see what that had to do with Rose.

"Basically, we want to see if the virus will heal the wounds of people that are not your children like they do for Jamie, Audrey and myself." Leah explained.

"So you want to use my sister as a guinea pig?" I was getting angry now.

"No Violet," It was Rose that answered this time. "I offered of my own free will. It only has to be a small bite somewhere people won't notice in case the healing effects don't kick in, but if they do then it means we're one step closer to helping all those people trapped in slavery as drones. Don't you think that's something worth risking having to bear a puncture wound forever for?

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