Chapter 8

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"What the hell is wrong with you?!" A pissed off Audrey demanded of me after barging into my cell, gun in hand.

"You're going to have to give me more information than that if you want me to know what you're talking about. Traitor." I replied evenly.

I was silently calculating my chances of getting past her and out the now open door, while trying to kill her with my stare. I stopped and had a moment of realization. If this is a prison, then the guards won't leave the door open unless there are additional levels of security. My hope shrank. Brilliant.

Audrey only seemed to become enraged at my answer. "I'm asking what the fuck you did to your drone Leah you smart ass." She snapped.

"Ok, back up." I was now legitimately confused and growing more agitated. "First, what is a drone and second, what does it have to do with Leah? What have you done with her? Is she safe? Where is she?"

Audrey's grip on her gun tightened and I hoped like hell she wasn't about to start shooting. I just wanted to work then go to university before finding a partner and settling down. But apparently fate wanted me in a room with a psycho girl that had a gun. Only I could pick the hottie with a psycho streak.

"Stop playing dumb, Violet Charr." Audrey said, the tone of her voice indicating that she had gotten her emotions under control. "This will be a lot easier for both of us if you cooperate."

"I have no idea why I'm here or what a drone is." I replied. Audrey considered my statement but still looked a little unconvinced.

"I cross my heart and swear on my father's grave. Could I get you to please put the gun down, it's scaring me."

Audrey stood in the entrance to the cell for a full 10 seconds before making her decision. She shut the door and I heard the locking mechanisms slide into place. Once the door was sealed she relaxed her grip on the firearm and lowered it.

"Just so you know Violet, if you do anything funny the guards watching us will instantly flood this room with sleeping gas. I promise that when you wake up, you'll be in far less comfort."

"What can I possibly do to hurt an armed psychopath?" I shot back. "But if it will make you feel better, I won't get off this bed. Promise" I stated, my hand on my heart.

Audrey seemed to relax, if only a little bit.

"Do you know why you're here and what you are?" Audrey asked.

I must admit, this made me mad. I'd just answered this question. "My name is Violet Charr, I'm an 18 year old girl and after a freaky night I'd rather forget about, I was drugged and fucking kidnapped by a psychopath. Beyond that I have absolutely no idea. I can't read minds!" I was panting a little now.

Audrey looked at me for a while, weighing up her next words carefully.

"You are an Original vampire." She simply stated. I was going to retort but Audrey swiftly held up her hand up to silence me preemptively. "We did a DNA test on you when you were unconscious and found no human DNA in you at all. Not even the Original vampires have been that pure for hundreds of thousands of years. What we can see is that you were indeed born of your human parents. It's just by some incredibly small, even miraculous chance, the diploid genome, which makes up the human species, has had a chromosomal rearrangement brought on by the tiny portion of vampire DNA that every human has. The result? A pure Original."

Audrey stopped to let me process that information.

I would have instantly rejected everything she just said, if it weren't for my glowing eyes and the fact that I literally ripped 15 guys apart. Effortlessly. Which, needless to say, scared me. Not just scared, terrified me.

Bleeding Shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें