Chapter 28

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The conversation we were having was cut short when we could all hear the yelling start from down in the dungeon.

Alex may have a lot of areas in which he is severely lacking, but apparently his ability to make loud noises with his mouth is not in that department of failures.

"What should we do with him?" I asked Jamie. I'd never kept a prisoner after all, even if they were deserving of it.

"Interrogate him I suppose." He answered. "It may be a good time for putting your fondness for breaking the weasel's bones to good use."

Everyone smiled at that comment. We didn't need an emphatic connection to know that we all agreed.

The four Ethereals descended the slightly hidden stairs to the dungeon and it's cages, one of which held the vampire who'd just woken up.

"What the hell!" was the only statement that Alex gave as the four of us came into view. None of us were bothering to hide the glow in our eyes anymore.

"I could ask you the same thing." I stepped towards the cage that held the pitiful vampire, threateningly. "I have a few questions and you're going to answer them or I'm going to slice your body parts off and repeat the procedure when they grow back. Got it?"

"Why don't you shut up and let me out of this damn cage and handcuffs." Alex demanded.

Even when we was literally imprisoned and about to be tortured for information, he tried to be all high and mighty.

"Question one." I shot at him, ignoring his complaints. "Where is your hideout with the other Royals?"

Alex just shut up when that question was asked and wouldn't say another word.

I kept asking him questions of the same general sort, which he wouldn't answer no matter how much I hurt him.

I sighed, "Last question, what have you done to Gabe to make her so frightened of everything?" I practically growled the last question at the Royal.

He still refused to answer but he went deathly pale. So I took it as an invitation to grab his ankle and twist it and twist it and twist it until, yep, it went snap.

I then turned around and left the dungeon with the useless Royal howling in pain. Jamie stayed down there with him but Leah and Audrey followed me back up.

I had to take a shower, just being in the same room as that filth made me feel dirty, so I stomped my way up the stairs and entered my room. I completely forgot that Gabe was still in there and not expecting a sudden entrance.

At least Gabe was sitting on the edge of my massive bed instead of still out cold. I would have hated to have woken her up.

"Something pissed you off?" she asked me, keeping her face blank.

"That Royal prick," was my curt answer. "I need a quick shower." I said as I shuddered.

"Can we talk after?" It's not a question I would have expected Gabe to ask all things considering, but I'm glad she did. It meant progress was being made, well I hoped anyway.

"Of course." I replied before heading into my bathroom and stripping off for a shower.

I finished, got dressed and came out of the bathroom with my flaming hair still damp. Gabe was still sitting exactly where she was when I came into my room the first time half an hour ago.

"What would you like to discuss? Like I said before, I'll answer any question you have." I said while sitting down next to Gabe. She didn't move away which can only be taken as a good sign.

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