Chapter 33

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I woke up early the next morning and successfully managed to get out of bed without waking Gabe up.

After showering, brushing my teeth and getting dressed in comfy track pants and an oversized tee shirt I went downstairs to prepare breakfast for everyone.

Normally Rose likes to make breakfast for everyone, but I really just want her to relax and settle into her new reality.

So at 6:30am I start frying bacon and buttering toast, knowing that Audrey and Leah will be up and about by about 7am.

Right on cue the duo appeared at 7am sharp as if the smell of bacon and eggs had grabbed them and forcefully pulled them into the kitchen bu their noises, still in their pyjamas.

About fifteen minutes later Jamie entered the kitchen followed shortly after by Rose and Rhys. They both looked like they'd slept really well and were nice and alert.

"How are you feeling?" I asked my new Ethereal children as I handed plates of bacon and eggs over to them. They started to devour the meal before they responded to me.

"Hungry." Came the one word reply from Rhys causing both Rose and myself to laugh at him.

"I'm actually feeling better than I ever have before." Rose confessed when her belly was feeling a little more full.

Close inspection of both of their eyes showed the green ring around the outside of their irises that marked them as successfully transitioned and now a part of my family.

"I'm glad to hear it." I told my sister. "But even though Rhys has been helping you control your Cystic Fibrosis since you met each other, I believe that I can now cure you of it for good. Are you willing to let me try?"

"Will it hurt?" Rose asked me honestly.

"I'm not sure, but I hope not." I replied as truthfully as I could. "So far my healing abilities haven't hurt anyone they've been transferred to. But I can never be 100% sure as I haven't really done it to many times."

Rose nodded at my more in depth explanation and sat there mulling it over for a couple of minutes before making her decision.

Meanwhile Rhys was on his third plate of breakfast and it didn't look like he was going to slow down anytime soon.

"Easy there tiger." I said to Rhys. "You're going to make yourself sick eating that much to fast. It will still be there in ten minutes if your still hungry."

Rhys didn't say anything but he did give me a filthy look as he slowed down on shovelling food into his mouth. Seriously, it looked like you could just back a truck of food up to this boy's mouth, put a funnel from the truck to his mouth and get the truck to raise it's trailer, Emptying it's contents into Rhys's gut, that's how fast he was eating.

"How would this work?" Rose asked me while Rhys was still eating.

"I would transfer all of my healing ability over to you and let it do it's work." I said while gathering all of my healing ability in preparation to transfer it. "Kind of like this." I said as I reached out to touch Rose and focused on transferring all of my healing powers into her.

Rose's eyes glowed green as the ring in her iris expanded to cover half of the coloured part of her eye and glowed with energy.

I'm not sure what I expected to happen as I sat there and focused on keeping the full extent of my power in Rose. But what I wasn't prepared for was when Rose's bones started to dissolve then reform, section by section. For instance when it was her hands turn they literally turned to mush as the bones dissolved then reformed perfectly as the new bones grew. The hole process took 3-4 seconds per area. It was one of the funniest and creepiest things I've ever seen.

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