Chapter 10

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Two months have passed since I was forcibly brought to the hunters encampment. Since then I've kind of grown accustomed to my life here.

I get woken up every morning at 5 am by a bright eyed Mia and we used to go for a run first thing until I learnt how to use my super speed. Now Mia sulks because I can move at almost the speed of sound for short bursts and she's never able to beat me. She's a sore loser. Or I'm a terrible winner. I can't tell.

After breakfast we focus on technique training from a number of different martial arts. We then stop for lunch before spending the afternoon training me in how to use my vampire abilities. While I'm quite fast now, my strength is still lacking. Apparently my healing ability is automatically activated and requires nothing from me to work. Nice to know.

Even after two months, no one can be sure of what Leah is. Is she a drone, is she not? Same old question. She trains at the level of a normal human and exhibits none of the abilities of a drone. In fact if it weren't for the green, glowing ring in her eyes marking her as mine, which still feels weird to say, there wouldn't be anything to differentiate her from a normal human.

Although Audrey is training Leah, Audrey is starting to spend more and more time away from the encampment on her missions to find Jake, who is apparently not dead, and Jamie. This is much to the obvious displeasure of Leah. It would seem that the two of them have gotten close recently.

My relations with the other hunters has become good, after they realized that I really wasn't a threat to them. I also count Mia as a good friend now, but her boyfriend really needs to stop visiting her in the middle of the night. I don't want to listen to that. You think these hunters would have some high tech ear plugs for that kind of thing.

Rhys has made a full recovery and is now training with us daily. But he seems to be extremely uncomfortable around Audrey and Rupert.

The other major event that happened is I finally had the overwhelming urge to drink human blood two weeks ago. But when it happened I still had no interest in the blood packs or even the people around me. Leah seemed to sense my need and made eye contact. I automatically approached her. Sensing that I was in need of blood, she relinquished herself to me in a familial way.

The funny thing is, it wasn't painful for either of us and Leah's wounds closed up immediately. She had a very healthy hue to her face. It was almost like the bond between us got stronger because of the feeding.

Rupert theorized that I can only feed from my 'drones'. Which I agree, seems to be the case even though I still dislike the term.

All in all, I'm quite happy with my life in the encampment. Even though it had a very rocky start.

I'm heading down to the garage with Leah today. After two months of inspecting my Audi for tracker chips or anything that could harm me, I'm finally getting my baby back. Apparently she's as clean as a whistle, even the standard GPS tracker that all high end Audi's are meant to have had been removed before I got it.

Needless to say, I'm VERY excited.

"How's she going Bob?" I ask the head mechanic as I waltzed into the auto shop, noticing that my baby looked so out of place surround by the trucks and armored people carriers.

"She's an amazing piece of engineering." Bob replied. "Whoever got this car for you has had it customized and modified so it can go even faster. She can easily outrun anything chasing you."

I got along well with Bob. His love for vehicles and their inner workings was evident whenever you spoke to him.

"Just make sure you don't take her out to go hooning." Bob told me as he threw me the keys. "Besides the fact that she will draw a lot of attention coming in and out of here all the time, I don't think we'll be able to keep up with the fuel costs."

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