Chapter 21

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I won the bet as two hours later, Gabe was dragged back through the front door by Rose. Gabe looked like she had been trying to fight Rose on this, but I already knew that was useless.

I held my hand out to Audrey as she reluctantly gave me my winnings.

"Gabe will be stay with us for a while." Rose informed everyone in a don't challenge me on this tone. I struggled to stop myself from laughing at how uncomfortable Gabe was.

"So do we have a new boarder?" Jamie asked, appearing from around the corner to the lounge room. It appeared he'd come to see what the commotion was about.

"We sure do." Rose answered. "I would never let anyone live like that, let alone a nice girl like this." She gestured to Gabe.

Gabe was looking at Jamie with an open mouth. "You're Jamie Lawson." She stated, even though it was quite obvious. "You're the vampire that works in law to help the wrongly accused."

This shocked me, I had no idea Jamie was a lawyer as well. I didn't think anyone else knew either judging by their expressions. I guess it explains the obscene amount of money Jamie seems to possess.

"Wow, someone's a fan." Jamie said with a playful smile on his face. "But yes, that's me. So what happened to make the lovely Rose drag you back here?"

Gabe was silent. I was guessing that Jamie was one of her heroes by her reaction to him and she didn't want to show weakness in front of him. So Rose answered for her again. I'm going to have to get her to stop doing that.

"She's basically living in nothing better than a cardboard box." Rose's voice full of a deep displeasure at the thought of anyone living that way.

Since this house was actually owned by Jamie, he had final say as to who could live here. Not that he was an asshole or even unfair, but I'd have trouble taking in a young person I'd just literally met.

"You're Gabriel Everleigh right? Daughter of Mallory and Frank Everleigh? Big sister to Timothy Everleigh?" Jamie suddenly asked. I must admit I was shocked that Jamie knew Gabe's parentage.

Gabe nodded, just as surprised as everyone else.

"I knew your parents before the accident, they were good people. I'm truly sorry about the way things ended up for you. I know that's not what your mum and dad wanted for you or your brother. You're both welcome to call this place home for as long as you like." Jamie said.

Gabe started crying, right there in the middle of everyone. I rushed to her side but not before Rose beat me to it. Together the two of us guided Gabe up the stairs and into the same room she stayed last night. The room that was now her own.

With this new development, all the Ethereals would have to be careful with the glow in our eyes, but that really wasn't any different from how we'd been living anyway. Who knew when someone was watching, it's better to be safe than sorry. Even in our own home.

Gabe spent the rest of her Saturday settling in. She didn't have a lot that she could bring from her old place. As it turns out she used to have quite an assortment of clothes and personal items, but robbery was common near where she used to live and it left her with with almost nothing.

On Sunday, Rose took Gabe somewhere for the afternoon. Neither of them would tell us where, but I was still glad that Gabe had opened up to my sister.

It gave me an opportunity to fill her room with all the clothes I didn't want or need. Leah and Audrey had the same idea as I did apparently. As I opened the door both of them where folding and putting different garments away in the storage of Gabe's room.

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