Chapter Five: For Real/The Reemergence of Deacon Mitchell

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"Lea, Lea. Slow down. I can't understand you.", I say to my frantic panicky girlfriend. "He's here. Steven is here.", she whispers. "Why are you whispering?", I whisper back. She skips over my question to pose a question of her own. "Why did mom invite him?", she asks.

Steven, wow, haven't heard that name for a minute. "Wait. Lea, your mom invited Steve to her house.", I repeat in shock. Lea JUST told me everything about her family the other day. I let it go for long because I wasn't gonna nag her. So I waited until she was ready to tell me, I didn't really think it'll take 3 years...but whatever.

Her family's history is a lot more fucked up than I would ever guess. So since she just told me about her family she also just told me how much her mom hates Steve. So I completely understand her confusion. "And to make it worse his son and his girlfriend are here too.", she adds. That's fucked up but I'm not exactly sure what else to say about that. Hell, I'm confused too. She is about to say more when I hear a knock at the door.

"I gotta go.", she whispers. "Ok.", I whisper back. Once I hang up I hear Tina whisper, "Was that the straight one or the one you should really be with?" I stand up and say, "T, let it go." She takes my seat. "Tay, let Lea go. She obviously still needs to figure out who she is. You know who you are and so does Maria.", she says.

"Maria is married still and I'm in a relationship with Lea.", I insist. She shakes her head. "No you and Lea are in denial. And you and Maria are in denial about each other too.", she rebuts. "And I'm the only motherfucker seeing things clearly around this bitch.", she adds. I say, "Bye, T." as I wave and walk away. I know she just wants the best for me, but Tina is honestly confusing more.

Over the past month, Lea has been cracking at the seams. And I've gone to a place I shouldn't. I'm only doing It because I've felt I had to avoid watching her act this way. It brings back memories of her being "confused" and cheating. But my way of avoiding watching Lea act this way is in itself an added strain on our relationship.

I've been talking to Maria and Javi everyday. We've even been meeting for lunch at the park almost everyday too. Maria and I sit and talk about the way we grew up (Cuban catholic households really aren't that different from black Baptist's households just saying), how we've each changed since we first met and what we each want for our futures.

"You know I've been thinking about getting Javi baptized.", Maria said one day. She had got one arm wrapped around him and is used the opposite hand to massage his scalp. "What do you think Tay?", she asked. I get up. "I think it's a good idea", I say. I then pick up Javi.

"What do you think, lil man?", I asked him as I start to rock my sleepy lil guy. Maria gives me a soft smile. She then said, "You know you're really are good with him." I kiss the top of his head and smile against him. "So how long have you wanted kids?", she asks. "You think so, huh?", I said and chuckle. "Yes, definitely.", she responds.

"Maybe, maybe not. Or it could just be I want Javi as my kid." Oops that didn't come out the same way I thought it. I mean I would love a son like Javi. But Maria automatically comes with Javi. Any mention of him being my son automatically files under wishful thinking. Wishful thinking files under I'm the only one supposed to know.

Why can't life be simple where I can be with two women and everyone's happy. No pain or heartache or betrayal. I love Lea nothing has changed about that. But now I'm wondering what it would be like to be in a relationship with kids, specifically this kid. And if I'm being honest this woman too. **Sigh** If having a family is like this last month has been, sign me up. Shit, I just wish Lea would get it together, so WE can have this.

Transitions (sequel to A Sinner's Bible) (complete) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now